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“To all who are in Rome, beloved of God, called to be saints.” ~ Romans 1:7...


But the hour is coming, and now is, when the true worshipers will worship the...


  1. Emeka Fred-Hilary Kanebi

    Unbelief reinforces inertia.

    Build momentum as you trust and respond to God’s word.

    Be determined to ACT in response to God’s word.

    #faithgym #rebukeinertia #keeptrusting

  2. NKEM

    May God help n give us d grace to overcome all.. Situations…

  3. Feson

    Every situation has a word to counter attack, I’m ready to break that shackles by speaking God’s word regularly. Thank you for the push.
    I’m going out now and will share my testimony tomorrow..

  4. Sarah Johnson

    Hmmmm this message just came in the nick of time, I need to make the move before something happens.

    I have gotten the word for what I have been struggling with.

    Thank you Jesus for this revelation.

    Thank you Pastor.

  5. Uduak

    Lord, may I be quick in my response to the Word and the prompting of the Holy Spirit. May I be an officer of faith & positivity that God -my husband & those God has sent me to- can lean on in Jesus name!

    1. Sapphire


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