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  1. Ene Sefia


  2. Ive Kanebi

    God’s intentions for me are good!

    God wants to make an ‘entrance’, the miraculous will happen for me.

    I will testify ‘early’ !


    1. Sam Achema


    2. Wale Afelumo

      So, shall it be, in Jesus’ name!

  3. Sam Achema

    Amen 🙏🏼

    Thank you Lord for a sudden breakthrough concerning my desires for this new year 🙌🏼
    Ministry that was meant to multiply in April experiences multiplication in February 🕺
    Hallelujah ❗

    1. Uduak Afelumo

      Amen Sam!

  4. Uduak Afelumo

    Today, even today I will testify of His early fulfillment. I have received it and I will have it as He has promised.

  5. Wale Afelumo

    The husbandman shall be the first partaker of the fruits. I receive my early fulfillment, in Jesus’ name.

  6. Samuel Kuria

    I thank you Lord for sudden and early breakthroughs. My testimony will come early and will linger on.

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