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  1. Wale Afelumo

    Lord, I take up intercession for the married couples I know, who desire to have children. I draw on Your miraculous power to breakthrough for them. Give conception and cause delivery, in Jesus’ name. SO SHALL IT BE!

    1. Uduak Afelumo


    2. Aghogho Umukoro

      Amen! I shall testify!

  2. Samuel Kuria

    Hear my cry oh Lord and attend unto my prayers as I take up my place as the priest in my home

    1. Wale Afelumo


    2. Sam Achema

      AMEN !</strong

  3. Uduak Afelumo

    It is amazing to see that out of the patriarchs, Isaac is the only one who interceded for his wife. He is the only one who had one wife till the end. He himself was a child sent by God and maybe knew what his mom went through as an only child to an old woman. I’ve usually seen him as a softie, but as an intercessor, he was a strong man.
    Thank God for men who don’t just talk about their kingly roles, but are priests over their homes.

    1. Wale Afelumo

      Yes, indeed! Great thought.

  4. Aghogho Umukoro

    Lord I pray for my friends who are married and desiring a child; even as I pray for my self, that you bless us with the gift of conception and that we will carry our babies to full term and deliver safely in Jesus name. Amen!

    1. Wale Afelumo


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