When you ask, you do not receive, because you ask with wrong motives, that you may spend what you get on your pleasures. James 4:3 (NIV)
James 4:1-3 (NIV)
It is laudable to see a ‘new you’ emerge, but the ultimate question you should ask yourself as we end this series today is, “Why do I want to reinvent myself?” Why do you want to start that project, travel to that country, rise to the top of your career, start a new line of business, etc.? The big WHY is what reveals your motive; it is your reason for doing anything. If your motive for doing something is wrong, your method of achieving it will equally be wrong. Any success you get from that thing may end up hurting people, and may actually corrupt and destroy you rather than bless you. Proverbs 16:2 reveals that God weighs our motives. He sees our hearts; and as a good Father who doesn’t want us to be destroyed, He is only obligated to grant those desires that are borne out of pure motives. Notice our text says, “When you ask, you do not receive, because you ask with wrong…”
Therefore, it is important that you consider and give thought to your motive for wanting to be a better version of yourself (reinvent) because that will be your driving force to accomplishing it. Examples of a good ‘WHY’ includes:
– To get better in my chosen field and in life generally
– To be all I can be, maximizing my potential.
– To be a good steward of the gifts of God in my life
– To fulfil my call on earth
– To be useful and valuable to those in my circle of influence
– That God may be glorified in my life.
As long as your motive is right, you are assured of God’s backing and blessing upon your journey to reinvent yourself. I Chronicles 16:9 reveals that God’s eyes roam to and fro the earth, looking for those whose hearts are upright (whose motives are pure and selfless) before Him, so He can help them. In other words, when your heart is set on pleasing God in your undertakings, He will empower you to succeed.
We didn’t embark on this series to create a lack of contentment in you towards God; neither is it to create an unhealthy competition with others nor to ‘push’ you in a direction God has not ordained for you. Rather, it was to make you see all the rich potential God has put in you, so you can walk towards developing them and fulfilling His dreams for your life. Do note however, that your reinvention will not happen overnight; it will take diligence and commitment on your part to continually strive to take each step that would lead to your reinvention in the areas you desire to see change in your life.
I see a better version of you emerge as you go with the right motive on this journey to reinvent you in Jesus’ name.
I Samuel 8:1-20, I Corinthians 16:14(NASB), & James 3:13-14 (ESV)
What is your motive for wanting to reinvent you?
Are your motives right? If not, what will you do to retrace your steps?
How will your plan for reinvention add value to people and bring glory to God?
Take some time later to go over all the topics in this series and ‘make a move’ accordingly.
Thank you Pastor for this series. I love the conclusion of the matter. Answering the Why? May the reinvention of ME bring joy to God and to those around me.
God’s permission doesn’t always mean God’s approval. Ask the why’s.
#permission #approval #askwhy
Lord Jesus Christ my I not squander recklessly the blessings you have given me,may I be reinvented in the spirit of the Lord,that I can want more and more. Thank you Jesus. Good morning.
Lord I ask for the right motives to reinvent my self and getting better with spiritual growth and discerning wisdom in Jesus name
What a ppwerful series; thank you sir for taking time to thourougly enlighten us on this subject of reinvention. May God continually increase you in wisdom and understanding. No doubt my life will never remain the same as I apply the truths I got from this series, a better me will emerge!