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  1. Aisha Kyong

    I thank God for the Roadblocks to prayers series. It hasn’t just been a guide against unanswered prayers but a searchlight and a guide towards holy living. It creates moments of quiet contemplation of Psalm 139:23, Search me, O God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts. Point out anything in me that offends you, and lead me along the path of everlasting life.

    1. Uduak Afelumo

      Praise God for the entrance of His Word that brings light. Everything that stands in the way is exposed by the light of His Word. I walk in agreement with the Word and I have unfettered access to my Father!

    2. Bright George


    3. Wale Afelumo

      You can say that again, Aisha. My exact thoughts; it just speaks to every area of one’s life and relationships. Thanks for this comment.

  2. Jude Mangai

    Wow! what a powerful series, indeed information is power, one could be praying and not seeing results all because of road blocks we often ignore. Father thank you for opening my eyes, help me to overcome all so as for my prayers to be answered. Thank you Lord.

    1. Wale Afelumo

      Amen. Yes, indeed. It is really an eye-opener. A lot to review as one desires effectiveness in prayers. Thanks.

  3. Shiza Abu

    This series is indeed an eye opener and a reminder to being in the right position to having prayers answered.
    Father grant me the grace to be willing to obey you so that I will eat the fruit of answered prayers!

    1. Wale Afelumo

      Amen, amen, amen! May God help us all. Thanks.

  4. Bright George

    Thank you Father for this series which has point out every impediment that can affect our prayers from being answered.
    Purge my spirit Father from everything that is contrary to your will so that my prayers can gain access into your throne. Amen.

    1. Wale Afelumo

      In the mighty name of Jesus. Thank God, indeed, for the series. Glory be to God.

  5. Temitope Ajao

    Thank you Jesus.
    O Lord, I pray for the grace to not just have this knowledge, but to apply it and teach it to my children. Amen

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