“Now it happened, when Sanballat, Tobiah, the Arabs, the Ammonites, and the Ashdodites heard that the walls of Jerusalem were being restored and the gaps were beginning to be closed, that they became very angry.” Nehemiah 4:7
The enemies of the Jews came together to form an unholy alliance. They planned to frustrate their project so it would fail and never be completed. In life, whenever you embark on a worthy cause, a myriad of issues arises to dissuade you. The furious four – Sanballat, Tobiah (head of the Ammonites), Gershom the Arab, and the Ashdodites, opposed Nehemiah’s mission.
The Israelites just returned from the Babylonian captivity; the walls of their city were burnt, and they lacked a place of worship. Nehemiah traveled to Jerusalem to rebuild her ruins and restore her former glory. However, satan, using the furious four, fought tooth and nail to stop the work. He hates our progress and will not fold his arms and watch believers advance in their pursuits.
Satan still prowls about today with various tactics to distract believers from accomplishing their dreams in life. He deploys age-old tactics (disguised as) the furious four: lies, doubting the promises of God, mockery, fear, lack, intimidation, discouragement, delay, etc. Sometimes, he would use those in authority over you to oppose you, so that the impact on you is weighty.
Nehemiah prevailed over and despite the furious four. You can learn some things from him:
a. Do not Be Surprised (vs1) – You will be naïve to think that if the devil knows that you are doing something worthy, he will leave you alone. NO! He will not! That is his assignment. Do not be surprised; in fact, expect it. However, it does not mean you will not succeed.
b. Maintain a Prayerful Vigilance (vs4) – Always pray about your assignment and bind the enemy in the place of prayer. God has given you victory over Satan.
c. Have a Mind to Work (vs6) – An idle hand is the devil’s workshop. Keep busy with your goals. Do not get caught in the distractions the enemy is throwing your way. God will prosper the works of your hands.
d. Through it all, stay calm, keep your eyes on Jesus, and maintain your peace in Christ. It will confuse the devil (and his agents) and can eventually make him back off.
The furious four may come in different combinations or quarters, do not worry. The God of Nehemiah will help you to complete every good thing He started in your life. He will put the furious four to shame, and He will glorify His name in you, in Jesus’ name.
Job 5:12, Genesis 49:22-24, and Colossians 2:15
+ In the name of Jesus, come against the onslaught of the devil against your progress in life.
+ Declare that all devices of the enemy targeted towards you are frustrated, so they cannot perform their enterprise against you.
+ In the name of Jesus, I will complete every good project or program I have started.
Lord, strengthen my hands to perform/finish what You have committed to me.
He who began a good work in me, will be faithful to complete it!