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  1. cham

    May my plans and aspirations be aligned with Gods purpose for my life. Amen

  2. Ashi Dooshima

    Absolutely. If I don’t plan for my life, I’ll have people plan it for me of which most times it will be in a negative direction. Help me Lord to be more focused and determined this year.

  3. olushola Mshelia

    Thank God for wisdom to plan for the future, I believe its never too late to start. thanks for the word today.

  4. Deborah Atama

    Write the vision. Make it plain & run with it. We do the writing/ planning, God will do the igniting. How ever It takes a concentrated effort to take the time to write your vision and an unwavering commitment to implement it. May God give me the grace and wisdom I need to run with my plan till fruition.

  5. NKEM

    I pray that God will give us the wisdom..and enablement to plan and also achieve our goal…

  6. Mangai

    …Father give me the Grace to plan properly and take action steps to accomplish my plans.

  7. Emeka Fred -Hilary Kanebi

    In building to last, you must be deliberate. Deliberate in planning(wisdom), in execution/implementation( common sense) and following through(stay informed) to the end to get desired results.

    “The manager said to himself, ‘What am I going to do? I’ve lost my job as manager. I’m not strong enough for a laboring job, and I’m too proud to beg. . . . Ah, I’ve got a plan. Here’s what I’ll do . . . then when I’m turned out into the street, people will take me into their houses.’
    Luke 16:3‭-‬4 MSG

    #creativesurvival #transformadversity #deliberate #nothingjusthappens

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