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  1. Olushola

    I am no ordinary person, I am destined for greatness. Great and mighty things will be heard concerning me and my generations to come. The lord has said it and so shall it be, in Jesus name Amen

  2. Julianne

    Glory! Honor! Power! Majesty be unto Yahweh, my Abba Daddy who has elected me to show forth His praises in Jesus name… Hallelujah! Amen!

  3. Shizawali

    The beauty and glory of the Lord is radiating through me. Hallelujah!

  4. Grace Lamon-Mele

    I am NOT common, I am the ELECT of God, unique, different and a reflection of God. This is my testimony in Jesus name.

  5. Samuel Achema

    “I’m a unique work of God’s genius…” and I’ll show forth His praises

  6. Olayinka

    I am indeed unique , called and chosen by God . I will walk in faith and victory for I know who I am in Christ Jesus . I thank you Lord for my uniqueness

  7. Helen

    Thank you Lord for the great reminder that I am peculiar & destined for greatness. Father Lord I thank you for making me different.

  8. Akanji Tunde

    I am a different breed, not a mere man(I don’t do what mere men do) I am the King’s kid and so I (must) live differently.
    I have been chosen;separated, selected and voted for by Christ Jesus.
    I am indeed a CHAMPION!

  9. Keziah Gankon

    Lord, I am grateful for making me unique. Yes,I am unique. Thank you Lord Jesus.

  10. Mary S. U Bridge

    I am a peculiar daughter of the most high God so flesh can never rule over me. I shall continually commune with the spirit and live above the flesh.

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