“When Elisha came into the house, there was the child, lying dead on his bed. He went in therefore, shut the door behind the two of them, and prayed to the Lord.” II Kings 4:32&33
“Surely the Lord God does nothing unless He reveals His secret to His servants, the prophets .” (Amos 3:7). God places great value on His prophets (ministers) and often uses them as vessels through which He communicates His mind, teaches His word, and manifests His works amongst men. All through scripture, God speaks glowingly about them, save in cases where they became corrupted. A prophet has God’s audience; hence, believers can benefit from a prophet’s value.
Elisha had so much value to deliver to as many as would value him. He was a walking power source to as many as would connect. While a few despised him, many drew value from him. He raised a dead boy (34-35), cured a poisonous pot of soup (40-41), fed 100 men with 20 loaves with leftovers (42-44), healed a man of leprosy by asking him to bath in a river (5:10-14), and caused a sunk ax-head to float. Elisha was a huge blessing to as many as received his ministry.
Although the ministry of a prophet is different in the New Testament, God has still deposited so much in His ministers and servants who follow Him with a true and sincere heart. God sends Prophets to men as instruments of help and deliverance. We are to value them, pray for them, and seek their intercession and counsel whenever in dire straits or as often as necessary.
This generation often denigrates God’s ministers (this is without bias to false ministers); do not copy them. They carry an anointing for your sake, but if you don’t value them, you can’t draw from it. God hears your prayers, but sometimes you need their prayers. God’s call upon them endows them with graces that may not be available to you; God instituted such an order.
When Jesus was to feed a crowd, He did not give them the bread directly; He gave His disciples (ministers), who gave the people. The miracle of multiplication happened in the hands of the disciples. Paul prayed for the Philippians who honored him, “‘MY’ God shall supply your…” There was a reason he didn’t say ‘your God,’. He drew on God’s grace on his life that the saints accessed by honoring him. A prophet’s value can only be accessed by those who value him.
Mark 6:2-6, II Chronicles 20:20, and Matthew 10:40
+ Father, grant me discernment and help me to avoid the trap of false ministers, apostles, and prophets. May I not be a victim of seducing and familiar spirits.
+ Lord, I ask for the grace to recognize Your appointed ministers/prophets in my life and help me to honor Your grace upon them.
+ As I honor Your appointed servants to me, may I draw from the virtue they carry, and may my life experience a speed of flight and accomplishment that is supernatural, in Jesus’ name.
““He who receives you receives Me, and he who receives Me receives Him who sent Me.” ~ Matthew 10:40