“Therefore, the Lord Himself will give you a sign: Behold, the virgin shall conceive and bear a Son, and shall call His name Immanuel.” ~ Isaiah 7:14
As we approach a significant season of the year for Christians – Christmas, it is good to pause and reflect on the season’s blessings. Unlike any other religious celebration, the birth of Jesus Christ is the greatest miracle of all times – a virgin (who has not been with a man) shall conceive and bear a son. It is the spirit of Christmas, a celebration of a miracle-working God.
King Ahaz of Judah was in a brutal war; the kings of Syria and (northern) Israel allied against his land to obliterate it from the world map. The king was distressed and sought God’s face for help against his enemies. God told King Ahaz to ask Him for a sign, but he was reluctant to; God Himself gave him a sign.
The sign God gave to Ahaz was a ‘ridiculous’ one; ‘A virgin shall conceive and bear a child.’ What has that God to do with his impending military loss? God was prophetically saying to Ahaz that a day would come when the Messiah would be born in the tribe of Judah. God indirectly told Ahaz that, contrary to his fear and impending danger, Judah would not be cut off but would survive the war; someday in the future, the Messiah would be born in their tribe.
Looking at the story of King Ahaz, the promise of Christmas is a promise of hope; it is a promise that the wrath of satan cannot take you out. Christmas is God’s antidote to all the hatred of satan. The message of Christmas is that good will still come out of you despite your impossible situation. That promise assured King Ahaz’s heart and gave him an uncommon victory.
The miracle of Christmas is an assurance that God still works miracles today. If a virgin can bear a son without human aid, then God can bless you even if you have or know no man to help you. Because of Christmas, the miracle power of God flows towards you now to heal every sickness, deliver you from strange attacks of the night, and put a stop to inexplicable patterns of losses and setbacks. May you experience a miracle from God this Christmas season, in Jesus’ name.
+ I receive my long-awaited miracles this Christmas season, in Jesus’ name.
+ Let the sign of a virgin birth be the assurance of my heart that victory will come my way.
+ I thank God for the gift of Christmas. Let miracles become the order of the day in my family from today, in Jesus’ name.