For which of you, intending to build a tower, does not sit down first and count the cost, whether he has enough to finish it – Luke 14:28
Luke 14:28-32
Yesterday, we left off by saying any organization or individual that wants to make progress or impact in life, must learn to PLAN. This may sound strange to Christians that are fond of using clichés such as: “What will be will be, what is mine is mine, and will come to me.” “Tomorrow is in God’s hands.” “I live by faith and faith is NOW…”
Well, the greatest act of Faith is “Planning.” If you truly believe that you will own your own business, get married, bag a Masters degree, make money, or build your own house this year, then you must show me your faith by the plans you have already set in motion. This is more like saying, “show me your faith by your works…” (James 2:18).
Any dream or vision you have without a plan is just a wish – and if wishes were horses, beggars will ride limousines. A plan is what transforms your vision into a strategy.
Below are some advantages of planning:
- A plan gives you your specific lane to run on; all roads don’t become a road for you.
- It helps you focus your energies, passion, money on your dreams and objectives.
- Planning will make evaluating yourself at the end of the year quite easy.
- Things won’t just happen on you, and you stop being a victim of circumstance but a master of circumstance.
- It helps you maximize time. It gives you the power to say NO to good things, so you can only do right things.
As is often said, “Proper Planning Prevents Poor Performance.” If you fail to plan, you are planning to fail. If you don’t know where you are going, you will end up anywhere, because every road becomes a road for you. However, planning increases your possibility for success and ensures that you arrive at your destination.
Concludes tomorrow…
Proverbs 24:27, Psalm 90:12, & Ephesians 5:15-17.
+ Pray for your mind to be renewed to receive and work this concept on planning.
+ Pray that you will walk in the grace of faith with its corresponding works; and you will walk circumspectly as a wise man/woman who counts the cost before building.
Jesus expects us to plan before embarking on any business, cause He is a master planner.
Planning is the key to success thank God for this great revelation.
I am grateful this came ‘early’ in the year. Stopped ‘procrastination’, and made me go back to the written plan.
Lord, help me. Let the good things not stop me from doing the right things. That’s the worst distraction!
A call to action. I heard it loud and clear!
I am thankful to be taught the concept of planning and from the word!
I pray to understand God’s will, to live carefully in His wisdom, to learn the concept of planning thereby making the most of every opportunity.
Planning is the best way to success… What ever positive step we have to take
..planning should come first..for a positive result..