“He did not waver at the promise of God through unbelief, but was strengthened in faith, giving glory to God.” – Romans 4:20
The old song says, “You’ll never get Abraham’s blessing with the Thomas kind of faith. Your mountain will just stand there in the same old place. If you have to see it first, hear it, or touch it, or taste. You’ll never get Abraham’s blessing with the Thomas kind of faith.” Thomas doubted Jesus’ promise to rise from the dead. On the contrary, Abraham did not waver at God’s word.
When Abraham was old and had no child, God told him, “I have made you a father of many nations” At this point, his wife lacked the physical faculties to have a child. He had every reason to doubt God, but he went ahead and changed their names to suggest they were parents. Abraham believed that God could do what He had said He would.
Paul recorded that Abraham did not waver nor stagger at God’s promise. That means he never doubted, considered option B, nor second-guessed God. Abraham was not going hot and cold about what God had said; one day, very sure, and another, unsure. Abraham was as steady as a lamp post. Rain, shine, or storm, he would hold on to God to perform what He said.
How could Abraham have stayed in faith? Perhaps, he kept rehashing God’s promise to himself; he kept his focus on other people whom God gave children; he decided not to dwell on his age or the deadness of Sarah’s womb. Abraham looked at the stars, for God used them to inspire his faith. He must have constantly reminded himself of other areas where God had blessed him. Finally, He strengthened his faith by continually thanking God for the promise.
Will you be Abraham or Thomas? Will you wait until you see, or will you hold on to God despite contrary evidence? Don’t be distracted by what looks like it is not; keep your eyes and heart stayed on what God has said. If you have God’s word, do not waver; heaven and earth may pass away, but what God has promised or decreed will happen, in Jesus’ name.
James 1:6-8, John 20:24-29, & Numbers 23:19
+ Thank God for assuring you that what He has promised you will be fulfilled at the right time.
+ Come against anything that causes doubt and unbelief in your heart and hinders you from receiving God’s best.
+ By faith, receive the fulfillment of your promise from God.
Thank YOU Lord, YOU are not man to lie or change YOUR mind; I judge YOU faithful!
I receive my fulfillment from God! Hallelujah! He is faithful who has promised!
Who else is not only willing to do, but can do what He has promised? No one but You O Lord!
I rejoice in You today and give You glory because Your ability and willingness are not in question! HALLELUJAH!
It is done!