But Ruth said: “Entreat me not to leave you, or to turn back from following after you; for wherever you go, I will go; and wherever you lodge, I will lodge; your people shall be my people, and your God, my God. – Ruth 1:14
Ruth 1:6-19
King Solomon, perhaps, frustrated over having been disappointed over and again by people he trusted or relied on or committed responsibilities to, one day said, “Most men will proclaim each his own goodness, but who can find a faithful man?” (Proverbs 20:6). Why is faithfulness so scarce amongst many? Psalm 12:1 also talks about how faithful men are fast disappearing.
Faithfulness speaks of trustworthiness, loyalty, dependability, reliability, and constancy. These virtues are contrary to our selfish nature. Faithfulness also speaks of being ‘faith-full.’ That is, having faith in God, trusting His Word, and acting accordingly. It is to continue to believe in who God is and what He has said despite trials. God epitomizes faithfulness, that is, constant, reliable, and trustworthy; e.g., consider the sun He created; it is faithful in its rising and setting.
In marriage, the lack of faithfulness results in infidelity and has ruined many marriages. Many businesses have lost money because employees need to be more loyal, dependable, and trustworthy. Many dreams die unfulfilled because we cannot stay with them until we see fruits. Ultimately, we are the victims of one another’s lack of faithfulness.
Ruth was faithful to Naomi. Despite all Naomi lost and the lack of prospects in following yet, Ruth stuck with her through it all – that was loyalty and dependability. It takes faith in God to do what Ruth did; faith that what you give yourself wholeheartedly will eventually pay off. God rewarded Ruth with Boaz and later sent Jesus through her lineage. When God saw her faithfulness, He saw a woman He could trust with the privilege of being a forebearer of Jesus.
How much is God willing to do in and through you if He finds you trustworthy, dependable, reliable, and consistent – in your service to Him, in your marriage, business, or relationships? What honors will he confer on you or privileges accord you? Only eternity will tell. Faithfulness doesn’t quickly give up, it doesn’t cheat, it doesn’t disappoint trust, and it believes to the end.
Lamentations 3:22-23, Proverbs 25:13, 28:20, & I Corinthians 15:58.
Holy Spirit, I ask that You inspire me to faithfulness whenever I feel my flesh or selfishness rising. May I always be faithful in all I do, in Jesus’ name.