But You, O Lord, are a God full of compassion, and gracious, long-suffering and abundant in mercy and truth. Psalms 86:15
Psalm 86:15-17
Our Christianity can only be as good as our knowledge or concept of God; and it is only when we have a balanced perception of God’s nature that we can cultivate a healthy and sustained relationship with Him.
Some people perceive God to be like their earthly fathers who mete out instant justice by punishing them any time they do wrong. They think God has a short fuse and looks for the slightest wrong in their lives to descend heavily on them with His wrath. But that is so far from the truth – the nature of God is long-suffering.
Joel 2:13 makes us understand that God is slow to anger and is plenteous in kindness. He is that way with us for reasons which includes:
1. His name sake – so He doesn’t act contrary to His kind nature (Isaiah 48:9).
2. He knows our frame – the propensity of our flesh to evil, so He does not deal with us according to what our sin deserves (Psalm 103:8-14).
3. So we can love Him more – anyone who receives much forgiveness, loves more – when someone treats you better than you deserve, you tend to love them more (Luke 7:41-47).
4. He loves us dearly – God is LOVE. His love for us is unconditional because of His love nature; thus, He doesn’t show us love based on our actions but based on who He is (I John 4:8).
5. Jesus’ sacrifice – Jesus died for us while we were yet sinners and He lives to make intercession for us (Romans 5:8).
Don’t run away from God because of your shortcomings, run to Him instead, and His grace will teach you how to live a victorious godly life one day at a time.
Titus 2:11-12 and 2 Peter 3:9
+ Thank God for patiently bearing with you in your shortcomings.
+ Ask that the eyes of your understanding will be enlightened to understand the true nature of God from His Word, so you can have a sustainable relationship with Him.
Sometimes our wrong perception of God pulls us further away from a loving God but the realisation of His unfailing love despite our shortcomings is in itself victory!