“Nevertheless, He did not leave Himself without witness, in that He did good, gave us rain from heaven and fruitful seasons, filling our hearts with food and gladness.” ~ Acts 14:17
Paul and Barnabas were preaching and confronting the idolatry at Lystra. The people marveled at the power that backed their preaching, for Paul had commanded a man born lame to walk, and he leapt and walked. The people then rushed to ‘deify’ both Barnabas and Paul as one of their many gods; but the apostles vehemently opposed it, tearing their clothes in protest. They then pointed the Lystrans to God almighty and mentioned one marked characteristic of God – “He always has a witness.” There is always something that speaks of His presence, power and love; even the rains.
Powerful truth! God always has a witness that speaks of/for Him. Even if you don’t know God, Psalm 19:1 says, “The heavens declare God’s glory;” they tell you there is a God. Today’s text also reveals the truth that even in a man’s life, God’s witness speaks. There is always something in you or around you that speaks of God’s love, grace and of His readiness to help, only if you will listen enough. It may be your child(ren), your skill, your job, your health, your friends, your church or pastor, that always speaks to you as God’s witness, that no matter how bad things are, God’s got you. You are never in a place where you are totally cut off from God, helpless and hopeless.
You are never at a disadvantage. God will not bring you to a place He has not made plans to bring you out of. If you just look and listen, you will hear His witnesses speaking to you. They encourage your heart, they show you that God is still at work, they compensate for your weaknesses, and they often become the trigger for the release of your miracle. E.g., Bartimaeus was blind, but he had use of his ears and mouth; they were God’s witnesses in his life, and by both, he got his sight back. The sycamore tree was God’s witness to Zacchaeus, by climbing it, he saw Jesus. Joseph’s witness was his ability to interpret dreams; although he was in jail, that ‘witness’ was the key to his release. In life, you are never totally stranded, God has a witness speaking.
Can you identify God’s witnesses around and within you? Your big opportunity may be right where you are now, but you have not yet discerned it and deployed it. Blind Bartimaeus could have despised his ear and mouth, but he understood their use and he used them to get his sight. You may have been preoccupied with what you don’t have, but what about the things you have? Your miracle is in what you have within or around you. It could be your skill, something you learnt as a child, ability to speak, good looks, friends/people around you, a land you inherited somewhere, a laptop, etc. There must be something God has placed in your life, with which you can overcome every disadvantage of your life and condition; it is speaking now, can you hear it?
Mark 10:46-52, Psalm 19:1-4 & Philemon 1:6
+ Dear Lord, I thank You because I am never stranded in life, I will never be at a place where I am completely helpless and hopeless. Thank You because You will always make a way for me.
+ Lord, like Bartimaeus, help me to identify and not despise but use every witness you have placed in me and around me to help me fulfill Your purpose and to better my lot in life.
+ Acknowledge and declare your witnesses now. E.g., I am skillful. I have good friends.
I am not disadvantaged and I am never stranded, God never leaves Himself without a witness, Hallelujah!
My greatest witness Father, is the fact that you love me and I love you too and nothing at all can separate me from your love ❤️
I have within and around me all I need to fulfill God’s purpose for me, and to better my lot in life. Hallelujah!
Amen 🙏🏽
Never a night so dark that God’s ray of light, no matter how tiny will not break through to warm our hearts.
My miracle is indeed in what I have around and within me.
True talk.
The Heavens declare His glory His presence is all around us
There is God oo 🙏
Amen! Yes!
…Thank you Father. Help me to utilise all witnesses you have made available for me to fulfil purpose in life.
Great thoughts.
Lord help me to make use of all the witnesses you have given me for I know you didn’t bring me where I an today to leave me stranded
A big AMEN!