“What once was glorious no longer holds any glory because of the increasingly greater glory that has replaced it.” – 2 Corinthians 3:10
God is a progressive God. He plans to take you from glory to glory in every area of your life until your future looks better than your past. Paul calls this greater glory. He means you will experience God’s honor, dignity, or beauty in tangible degrees. Greater glory is a call to a deeper and more intimate relationship with God. It means God is giving you the capacity to handle greater riches, influence, position, and responsibility; His works and blessings will be so evident in your life that people will notice the exponential progress you make.
In preparing Israel for greater glory, Isaiah said, “Enlarge the place of your tent…stretch out the curtain of your dwellings…lengthen your cords, and strengthen your stakes. For you shall expand to the right and to the left.” In other words, increase your capacity to receive what God will do. How? Learn more, pray more, study more of the word, and get more exposure. God cannot fill you more than you have the capacity to receive. When the barrel is full, the oil stops flowing. If you do these, you will trigger a release of manifestations, anointing, grace, increase on every side, transformations, open doors, new levels, new appointments, etc. Grace will be available to build businesses, brands, and ministries that will become bigger than you.
“But the path of the just is like the shining sun, that shines ever brighter unto the perfect day” – Proverbs 4:18. God will perfect everything that concerns you; He never stops until you are perfect, complete, and lacking nothing. God is not a stagnant God; He moves. And when He moves, it is from glory to glory. Just as the sun rises from dawn to its brightest and hottest at noon, God will take you from glory to glory. Regardless of where you are now, you are on your way to your brightest, sweetest, best, and most effective days. Your greater glory is here!
May today be the beginning of greater glory for you. What you have seen before will pale compared to what God will yet do in your life. I declare that your best days are ahead of you. God will break His record in your life and give you reference point testimonies so that the end of the matter will be better than the beginning. He will build you up again and restore your lost glory and territories. He will do a new thing and beautify you. Your life will be a testimony of God’s greater glory, in Jesus’ name.
Isaiah 43:19, Haggai 2:9, and Isaiah 54:1-4
- Lord, I thank You for the glory I have seen in different areas of my life in the past.
- Lord, do a new thing in my life. Let Your ‘greater glory’ manifest in all areas of my life.
- I prophesy that my best, brightest, sweetest, and most fruitful days commence from today.
- I receive the capacity to receive, handle and display Your greater glory in my life.
May my light keep shining more and more unto a perfect day.
In Jesus Name.
Amen 🙏🏼
I receive grace for capacity enlargement.
I will be an evidence of God’s greater glory in every area of my life!
I acknowledge your presence in my life Lord and I’m thankful for your greater glory manifesting all around my family and I in the name of Jesus
Amen! From grace to ever increasing grace, and from glory to ever increasing glory in Jesus’ name. Amen.