“…I write to you, little children, because your sins are forgiven you for His name’s sake.” – 1 John 2:12
The Bible uses different metaphors to describe the process of growth (shining sun, seeds, trees, children). Yesterday, we read in the book of Mark that the sower scattered his seeds and those that fell on good ground developed roots and grew. Firstly, they sprouted the blades, next the head, and then, the full grain. Growth is a process and God begins everything as a seed; especially the seed of His Word in our hearts; the purpose of God is that the word-seed will grow and eventually produce fruits – diverse fruits. Hebrews 11:3 says, “By faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God, so that the things which are seen were not made of things which are visible.” Truly, the word seed can produce anything in this world.
Paul was worried about the spiritual state of the Hebrew believers, “You have been believers so long now that you ought to be teaching others. Instead, you need someone to teach you again the basic things about God’s word,” Hebrews 5:12. He was concerned that in spite of how long they had professed being Christians, there wasn’t much difference at the time he wrote to them compared to when they first believed.
Today’s reference uses the analogy of human growth to describe the believer’s need to grow spiritually. In Vs. 12, John the Beloved first addressed every believer as children (Greek: Teknion – which just means dearly beloved). It suggests that we are all children of God by salvation. It has nothing to do with age but represents God’s affectionate love for all believers, referring to us all as beloved children of God. John however proceeds to describe the different stages of a believer’s spiritual growth:
- Little Children (Vs.13) (Greek: Paidion – little child, immature Christian): This is the stage of milk, of infantile spirituality. They have no teeth yet (so cannot handle the strong meat of the word); they cannot help themselves but rely on their (spiritual) parents for everything. Children’s first recognition is often their parents; their first word is mostly ‘Daddy.’ The Christian who is still a child spiritually only realizes that he is a child of God; all he knows is the Father, and not much else.
- Young Men: (Greek: Neaniskos – an under-40 youth, young man or soldier) These ones have overcome the devil. How? They are strong and the word of God abides in them. They have matured beyond knowing that Jesus is Lord, they know the word of God. They can’t be deceived by the devil or false teachings. They rightly divide the word and test every spirit by their knowledge of scripture.
- Fathers: (Greek: Patēr – Progenitor, elder, one advanced in years, a senior). They have come into a full knowledge or revelation of who God is. They not only know that they belong to the family of God and know the Word of God, they also have an intimate relationship with Him. They know the Word of God and the God of the Word. They have seen, touched, and handled the word.
Spiritual growth progresses from knowing that you are a Christian, to knowing the Word of God, and finally, to knowing God Himself. God wants you to progressively develop in your relationship and walk with Him. You cannot keep going to church, hearing the word and/or serving God without any significant difference in your life. Spiritual growth is often evidenced in having God’s peace rule your heart and mind, bad habits and attitudes fall off you; repetitive cycles are broken and patterns of failure are turned to success.
Cultivate these things (the word of God), immerse yourself in them and people will all see you mature right before their eyes! As you have received Christ Jesus, the Master; now live Him. Be deeply rooted in Him, be well-constructed upon Him. By now, you know your way around the faith so do what you’ve been taught. Quit studying the subject and start living it! Today, God is saying to you “GROW UP!”
Colossians 2:7, 1 Peter 2:1-3 & I John 1:1-4
Å Do you know the scriptures better this year than last?
Å Is your attendance of church fellowships better than last year?
Å Do you submit to the authority of those who lead you?
Å How is your intimacy with Him who is from the beginning?
Å Is your growth (spiritually, mentally) and productivity evident to all?
I decree and declare that any faulty mindset that had limited growth in my life be pulled down now in the name of Jesus !
My progress shall be evident to all !
Growth requires healthy balanced food. Stay away from Junk.
The Process the progression::
1. Knowing you are a Christian
2. Knowing and understanding the Word
3. Knowing God deeply and intimately
This kind of growth is evident to all!
Growing spiritually is being able to teach and guide babes in Christ,, so they can in turn teach and guide others.
Anything limiting me from growth , BE GONE!!