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  1. Japari Ganama

    I’ve seen this stuff get mixed up, assertiveness can be misconstrued to be arrogance, and being humble associated with self-denigration. I’m praying for a balanced understanding of this concept.

    1. Solomon Okusiriki


    2. Wale Afelumo

      True. That can often be, and we often vascillate between the two, especially as a Christian who wants to please God. However, a simple rule of thumb is – humility is doing, being, and thinking according to God’s word (or what God says about you). Sometimes, that may be things like…”you are the head and not the tail” (which may appear proud), or “rather be defrauded…if someone asks for your coat, give him your shirt also” (which appears weak/meek). You need the wisdom of the Holy Spirit to know the right thing to do per time.

      Scripture talks about a proud look…and elsewhere, the law of kindness on the tongue. Before God, the sin of pride is a heart matter; so, we must always check our hearts. Before men however, pride is perceived in our looks (comportment) and in our speech. We must pay attention to those. Yet, men may misunderstand these two, so, we must ensure that before God and His word, our hearts are devoid of pride.

  2. Blessing Okpale

    When you have the understanding that all that you have and will ever have, All that you are and will ever be is from God, then humility becomes the only option you have. May this understanding stay with me daily.🙌

  3. Sam Achema

    Amen 🙏🏼
    “God … gives grace to the humble.”

  4. Sam Achema

    So true!

    Most times, only the eater can tell the difference between salt and sugar.

    1. Sam Achema

      Oops… I thought I was under JAPARI’s thread

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