And the Lord had given the people favor in the sight of the Egyptians, so that they granted them what they requested. Thus, they plundered the Egyptians. Exodus 12:36
Exodus 12:21-25 &35-36
Favour is an act of kindness beyond what is due or usual. It is an overgenerous preferential treatment. It is a friendly regard shown toward another, especially by a superior. It is approval, support or taking a liking to someone. From our text, it is seen as God extending help and kindness to His children through the most unlikely means, source and people.
What Jesus paid for us to have by His death is a total-package. It is sufficient for abundant living for all of mankind’s needs. We will keep unveiling and discovering new dimensions of it as long as we live. Today however, I want to unveil the favour dimension of it. The first Passover that liberated the Israelites from Egyptian bondage was a shadow of the ultimate sacrifice that Jesus, our Passover Lamb, secured for us when He died on the cross. By ending the enmity between us and God, Jesus secured us the favour of God; His unusual kindness, overgenerous show of love and preferential treatment.
One of the first things the Israelites enjoyed as benefit, after the Passover was favour with their old taskmasters. The people, who held them as slaves, who used and abused them for years without paying them wages, were the same people whose hearts God turned to bless them with great wealth. The Egyptians opened up their treasures to them just by asking, because God touched their hearts and changed their minds.
Secondly, God gave them the land He promised them. Although others had occupied it, He dispossessed them and made them to take possession – not by their swords, but by Favour. (Psalms 44:3). This means, one act of favour will do for you what your sword, lawyer, skills, learning, position, argument, begging, etc., would not do for you.
If the Israelites prospered by the favour that was extended to them by their task masters, expect favour coming out of Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross for you. Expect:
· The wealth of the Gentiles to be transferred to you.
· Those who tried to suppress you and ‘dull your shine’ will be used to promote you.
· God will command people to bless you, e.g. Elijah and the Widow – a spirit of urgency will come upon them (I Kings 17:7-15).
· Someone who has been proving difficult will all of a sudden be nice to you.
· The grace of God to make owning real estate easy.
· There will be a dispossession that you might have possession.
Psalm 5:12, Ephesians 2:11-13, & Luke 1:26-30
In this season of life, may you experience the favour of God in ways that will amaze you. Help where you least expect it; a ‘yes’ or ‘an approval’ where you feel you have come short, supply where you thought the door was shut, results that will surpass your human efforts and blessings that will leave you wondering what you did to deserve them. It is called the favour of God, and may it rest upon you mightily, in Jesus name!
Amen 🙏
I am surrounded by favour as with a shield. I will reap more than I sowed. I will go beyond where my best effort can carry me. Houses richly stocked with goods I did not provide, Water from cisterns I did not dig, fruits from vineyards and olive trees I did not plant are my portion in Jesus name. 🙏
Amen! I am blessed and highly favoured!
Favour comes with an unusual greeting.
#positionedforfavour #advance #February
Amen..I’m swimming in God’s unending favour.
I am God’s favor.amen