“A woman came to Him having an alabaster flask of very costly fragrant oil, and she poured it on His head as He sat at the table. But when His disciples saw it, they were indignant, saying, “Why this waste?” ~ Matthew 26:7&8
Amidst the arrows of hate shot at Jesus on His journey to Jerusalem, like sun rays peeping into a dark room, we here see the only gracious act of hospitality and kindness He received; first from Simon the Leper who hosted Him to a meal, and then from this unnamed woman who poured a very costly oil-based perfume on Him. One would have thought that, at least, Jesus should have a breather here, but even at the table of feasting and friendship, satan still tried to vex His spirit. Everything is being done to truncate the Jerusalem Journey – a journey to the cross.
The woman had no sooner emptied the fragrant oil on Jesus than the enemy began to rebuke her, “Why waste such a pricey oil at once on one man. Sell it and you would have fed many poor people.” This came from Jesus’ disciples and it sounded so nice. The lady must have thought; “Did I do right? Truly, this could have achieved more? Was I too forward?” Even if she felt fully persuaded to do what she did, such criticism by the disciples would have affected her. Indeed, any good deed we do for or to Jesus can never be a waste, no matter how costly or sacrificial.
Jesus spoke up to put honor on what she did and to recover her confidence. He did it to silence the voice of the devil. Jesus said what she did was not a waste at all; she actually had gone ahead to anoint His body for burial (Mark 14:8). Her act was to aid Jesus on His journey to Jerusalem. It was only dead people that were prepared with oil for burial, so, this woman was prophetically saying that Jesus, although yet alive, was already the sacrificial Lamb, slain before the foundation of the earth. It spoke of the fact of Jesus’ literal (actual) death on the cross. There would be no need for embalmment after His death, because He would rise again; His resurrection would prevent it. Those who later went to the tomb to anoint His body met an empty tomb (Mark 16:1-2). So, what you can do for the Lord today, do not push till tomorrow.
Jesus affirmed and commended this woman. Why? He realized that the devil wanted to break the spirit of the one person that was His destiny helper and support on His journey. Understand that just as there are those who resist you, there are those divinely assigned to help, aid and support you on your journey to destiny. You must do everything to protect them, to celebrate them, to let them know you appreciate what they do or contribute in your life, and to find ways to keep the relationship oiled.
Can you identify people like this woman in your life? Those who support you, encourage you, teach you, or sponsor you. Today, being Good Friday, send them a message of appreciation, let them know that you value all they have done, and have been to you. Tell them it is not a waste.
Matthew 19:27-29 & II Timothy 1:15-18
+ Pray for the people in your support system today. Pray that God will bless them; He will protect them from the torment of tongues, and from the spirit of discouragement. That as they have watered you, God also will water them and remember them for good, in Jesus’ name.
I am grateful for the people You have put in my life Lord but more so, I am eternally grateful for the Cross 🙏🏽
Thank you Father for destiny hepers at every point in my life. Bless them Lord!
Lord am grateful for the people you have put in life, my husband’s and children, bless them.
THANK YOU for fighting for me
As I read this again today, I am thankful for Jesus. My life & what I do for His sake is not a waste. It may not always measure up to people’s expectations, but it brings honour to God and that is priority.