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  1. Wale Afelumo

    Thank God for the mountains and the valleys of 2022. I look forward to a good year flowing with milk and honey; a year of plenty, wealth, abundance, spiritual and material well-being, and joy.

    Lord, I go with Your presence, assured of victory in 2023. Thank you for the opportunity to be alive to raise a memorial to You today.

  2. Jude Mangai

    …2022 has been an eventful year, i thank God for His faithfulness towards me my health, business and my entire family, He Has been our “EBENEZER” and so we give Him the highest praise.
    Without a doubt 2023 shall be a year full of accomplishments, a bigger and better me in all ramifications. Thank you Lord for going ahead of me into a promising year.
    Father thank you for the privilege to raise a memorial for You. May your name be Glorified.

  3. Uduak Afelumo

    There is so much to be thankful for. In 2022, His presence remained with me and the Holy Spirit led me everyday.
    Everyday I experienced His provision and protection.
    Everytime I had the privilege to minister, He gave a word.
    My family (both nuclear and external) are all over this planet, and God has kept everyone. The same number that crossed into 2022 will cross over to 2023.
    I am grateful. I am super grateful!!!

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