My son, if your heart is wise, my heart will rejoice – indeed, I myself. Proverb 23:15
Scripture makes us understand that “Wisdom is the principal thing,” and that in all our getting, we should get understanding. Why is wisdom so important? It is simply because we make daily decisions and choices, and these affect the quality and direction of our lives. Poor decisions can lead to a life filled with crisis, while good choices can set one on the path to greatness. Alas, it is difficult to live a meaningful and impactful life without wisdom.
When a man is wise, he makes sound decisions and takes calculated actions; his ability to apply experience, knowledge, and good judgment becomes sharp, and he greatly increases his chance to be a high-flyer in life.
The father in our text, probably Solomon, understanding the value and virtue of wisdom, admonished his son to give his heart to wisdom. Truly does Proverbs 15:20 say, “A wise son makes a glad father.” Won’t every parent want their children to walk in wisdom, learning to make the right choices, and being able to discern right from wrong? Yes, they will! If this human father wanted his son to be wise, how much more does our heavenly Father? God wants you to give your heart to the pursuit of wisdom.
Wisdom will keep you from sin and from falling, it will drive the spirit of error from you, and it will cause you to outsmart your enemies (satanic manipulations). Wisdom will release an excellent spirit upon you and cause kings to seek your counsel and your words. Wisdom will give you extraordinary results and improve your creativity; it will help you with the right priorities in life and eventually cause you to be wealthy. King Solomon is a good example.
With all these, it is obvious that wisdom is indeed the prime thing. So how do you get wisdom?
Find out tomorrow…
I Kings 3:4-13, Proverbs 8:1-21 & Proverbs 2:10-11
Pray for a heart of wisdom that would enable you to live a meaningful life on this side of eternity, and cause you to impact your generation and generations yet unborn.