For it shall come to pass in that day; says the Lord of hosts, ‘that I will break his yoke from your neck, And will burst your bonds; Foreigners shall no more enslave them.’ – Jeremiah 30:8
Jeremiah 30:1-10
God will not allow His children to be under any other influence but Him, especially enslaving influences.
All through the scriptures we see how God delivered His children from their oppressors time and time again; from this we can clearly understand that God hates oppression, He hates the things that threaten the existence of His children and He always takes their side to show them His mercy and loving kindness.
That is the same God we call on today, He has not changed. God is willing to deliver us from those things that are too strong for us, the things that make us lose focus on Him; be they: lack, sickness, joblessness, marital problems, financial problems, debts, satanic oppression, afflictions, addictions, troubles, emotional pain or even a bad economy.
There is always a plan of deliverance for us as children of God in whatever we are going through. The passage we read says “it shall come to pass in that day,” by faith we begin to declare that today is that ‘future day’ this verse is talking about; so be rest assured your deliverance is already guaranteed, only stand firm!
Enjoy Freedom Friday!
Exodus 14:10-31, II Chronicles 20:17 and Psalm 18:17
Make bold declarations of your deliverance from every oppression, and begin to lose yourself from the things that have held you in captivity.