…For just as you presented your members as slaves of uncleanness, and of lawlessness leading to more lawlessness, so now present your members as slaves of righteousness for holiness. Romans 6:19
Romans 6:18-22
A call to a deeper walk with God! Paul here is subtly advising Christians that the way we lived in the world, such that we had no regard, respect, nor consideration for the things of God and the things of the spirit, we should flip that in a positive way now that we are in Christ, and we should live in such a way that we have no regard or consideration for the world (carnality) and its lust thereof.
While we were in the world, we had no regard for the Word of God, singing praises, church, and prayers. Neither were we bothered with praying in tongues, living right or holiness and above all, we did not include nor involve God in our thinking. We partied at the expense of our souls and sinned without any thought of its consequence; all these we did blatantly without caring what anybody said or felt about them, we were slaves to sin and we served it without inhibitions; in fact, we wouldn’t have wanted to be caught dead around any Christian virtue. Our days were spent in plotting sinful schemes and our nights in executing them.
On the flip side, now that we in Christ, we should have no regard for the world – for pride, hanging out in sin’s parlor, certain TV programs or songs, secular humanism, and the prevailing philosophy and pop culture; we should not regard iniquity in our hearts nor parley with sin. Above all, we should have no regard, respect nor consideration for the devil, as to what he thinks of our new lives and our service to God.
In addition, we should live this new life unashamedly, telling ourselves that we would not want to be caught dead with anything that represents sin or Satan. We should tell others about Christ, live a life of holiness, and kill our fleshy desires by heeding the Holy Spirit’s promptings in our lives. We should spend our lives plotting on how to support and advance the Kingdom of God. Just like we served sin without any inhibition when we were unbelievers, we should serve our new master ‘righteousness’ without apologies to any man. Simply put, we should become RADICAL FOR CHRIST!
Matthew 7:18-20, John 12:25-26, & Romans 12:11 (ESV)
Ask for boldness to live radically for Christ without apologies; that you will at all times and in all circumstance be willing to serve the purpose of your new master – ‘righteousness.’