But you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, His own special people, that you may proclaim the praises of Him who called you out of darkness into His marvelous light; – I Peter 2:9
I Peter 2:9-10
Every Born Again child of God is a peculiar treasure. You belong to royalty. You are Different! To be envied! A special breed! You are clothed in God’s holiness and you are a reflection of His glory on earth.
You are unique and you need to be possessed with the mentality of your uniqueness. Acts 10:15 says, “…Don’t call common that which God has cleansed.” Should someone we consider important, e.g., a top Politian, come to our house, we will bring out the best dishes and cutleries to serve them. Meanwhile, the ‘Christ-follower’ is the real king and priest, however, we have unknowingly branded him as “COMMON” (Revelations 1:6).
You were not mass-produced, neither are you like any mere man on the street, if you don’t know it, ask the devil, he knew that Paul was in the same class as Jesus. Ignorance of this can make you live and die cheaply, harassed by any ‘jobless demon’, but that shouldn’t be your lot in life.
In Colossians 3:12, you are called the ‘ELECT OF GOD’ – that means when there was an election, God voted for you – Hey, you are exclusive and nobody can lay a charge against you! (Romans 8:33).
Don’t belittle yourself, you are a king’s kid – you are qualified to have a good life; rich in quality and super-abundant in quantity. You are qualified for joy, peace, soundness, wholeness, prosperity, a godly & goodly spouse, etc,. The price has been paid, don’t mock God by letting Satan deceive you (John 10:10).
Your case is different! You are supernatural so you are not supposed to suffer what natural people suffer. It does not matter what is happening around you or how many things are falling apart around you – your case is different, you are a rare species!
Psalm 139:13-16, Isaiah 60:2 & Acts 19:15
“I boldly declare that I am peculiar not common; therefore, I reject every form of sub-standard living. I lay hold of the super-abundant life Jesus died to give me. I choose wholeness and soundness in every aspect of my life, I proclaim there shall be nothing missing or broken in my life, in Jesus name.”
Photo credit: Wallpaper Mania – http://www.wallpapermania.eu/wallpaper/macro-autumn-wallpaper-one-flower-on-an-amber-leaf
I stand boldly on that understanding that I am fearfully and wonderfully made by the Almighty Jehovah who loves me so much that He gave His only begotten Son to die for me, to redeem me from the curse of the law and to make me prosper in body and in spirit, wanting for nothing and living as a heir to His kingdom. Nothing shall by any means hold me down for I stand on Christ the solid rock. Amen
I am special. I am one-of-a-kind. A duplicate of me can’t be made and does not exist. I’m the best at what I do because an Excellent Spirit is inside of me. Anyone who connects with me is transformed for better. I am a rare breed!
And so shall it be in Jesus name amen
Hallelujah!!! I thank the Almighty God for choosing me, God saw me before I was formed and everything concerning me was written in His book.
Thank God that I was elected l need not to commonize myself I am the beloved of God.
It doesn’t matter how I look God saw before I was born into this world, thank You Lord for loving me just the way I am , Your concern for me, your grace, mercies, your unfailingly love for me, protection, provision all just for me I say THANK YOU LORD
I’m a special breed. A partaker of God’s divine nature. I am God’s special treasure and His delight is in me. There aren’t two like me.
I boldly declare, I am special! Delicately and wonderfully crafted, and deliberately chosen to show forth His praise.
Regardless of my circumstances, God’s word prevail