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As iron sharpens iron, so a man sharpens the countenance of his friend. Proverbs 27:17   REFERENCE Proverbs...


Now indeed, Elizabeth your relative has also conceived a son in her old age; and...


  1. Beth

    Thank you Pastor for this series. I love the conclusion of the matter. Answering the Why? May the reinvention of ME bring joy to God and to those around me.

  2. Emeka Fred -Hilary Kanebi

    God’s permission doesn’t always mean God’s approval. Ask the why’s.

    #permission #approval #askwhy

  3. Keziah Gankon

    Lord Jesus Christ my I not squander recklessly the blessings you have given me,may I be reinvented in the spirit of the Lord,that I can want more and more. Thank you Jesus. Good morning.

  4. Israel Olisa

    Lord I ask for the right motives to reinvent my self and getting better with spiritual growth and discerning wisdom in Jesus name

  5. D.H.B.

    What a ppwerful series; thank you sir for taking time to thourougly enlighten us on this subject of reinvention. May God continually increase you in wisdom and understanding. No doubt my life will never remain the same as I apply the truths I got from this series, a better me will emerge!

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