“…whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.” – Philippians 4:8b
We often forget the art of thinking but spiritualize everything. God gave us brains to think with; He will not do your thinking for you; but show you the power of thinking: “If you meditate on the word and do all that written in it, you will prosper and have good success.” He will also guide you in what to meditate on: “Keep your thoughts continually fixed on all that is authentic, honorable, admirable, beautiful, pure, merciful, and kind.”
Beyond listening to sermons, reading the bible or Christian texts, praying, and fasting, think and meditate on the word. Matthew Henry said, “Those who would have direction from God must think on things and consult with themselves. It is the thoughtful, not the unthinking, whom God will guide.” Knowledge alone is not power. Knowledge only has value in the hands of someone who can think well. It takes good thinking to achieve your dreams.
Becoming a positive thinker is worth your effort since your life is impacted by how you think. It matters not whether you are a business person, teacher, parent, scientist, pastor, or corporate executive. Good thinking will improve your life and turn you into an achiever. It will make you a better businessperson, teacher, parent, scientist, pastor, etc. To reposition and stay relevant and successful, you need to work daily on changing your thinking and substituting negative thoughts with the right thoughts – thoughts that are consistent with the kind of experience you want and fed by the word and promises of God. Do away with a negative mindset. Sit down and ponder. Ask yourself, “How? When? Where? Who? Which? What? etc.”
The more you engage in good thinking, the more good thoughts will come to you. Success comes to those who habitually do things that unsuccessful people do not do. How do you think differently from the people around you: your business competitors, classmates in school, mates at work, etc., for you to expect a result different from theirs? Unsuccessful people focus their thinking on survival; average people focus their thinking on maintenance; successful people focus their thinking on progress. Think good things, and you will see good things happen to you.
Joshua 1:8, Colossians 3:1-2, and Luke 14:28-29
Have you ever sat in a place for 30 minutes to think an issue through? When did you last take some time (close your office/business) to think, or plan your business? Do you stay with an idea in meditation long enough before working on it? Meditation is simply a thought prolonged and directed at a single object. Take time out, think good thoughts, write them out and run with them.
Successful people think progress 🙌
Successful people focus on progress. A man is truly what he thinks. Apt for this season!
Good thinking exercises the mind and the thinker towards good progress.
Think Good things Aghogho and good things will happen to you! Selah!
I want to think good thoughts and overcome negative ones. So help me God. Amen
Sitting in one place for 30 mins just to think on things I consider to be important. Hmmm! Help me God!