For as he thinks in his heart, so is he… – Proverbs 23:7
Proverbs 23:7
As Christians, we tend to forget the art of thinking and we spiritualize everything, God gave us brains and minds to think with. It will be difficult to reposition or make any change in your strategies, systems and structures, if the change does not begin first and take root in your mind. True change begins from inside out.
Mediocre thinking will not birth excellence, neither will failure thinking produce success. Your thoughts are like the wind, unseen but full of effects, powerful and directional; they will pick you up and drive you in the direction of their motion.
So, to truly reposition and stay relevant and successful, you need to embark on the daily task of changing your thinking and thinking right thoughts – i.e. thoughts that are consistent with the kind of experience you want in life – thoughts based on the Word.
One of the reasons people don’t achieve their dreams is that they desire to change their results without changing their thinking. RIGHT THINKING is one common trait you find amongst successful people.
How then should you think? Think creatvely, think possibility and think realistically. Stimulate your brain by learning new things, be inquisitive and put the knowledge you acquire to good use. Ultimately, the problems you solve in life will depend on your ability to think, and will greatly influence your success in life.
This MONDAY, take time to MEDITATE on ways you can solve problems around your sphere of influence!
Joshua 1:8, Philippians 4:8 & Romans 12:2.
* Ask God to help you discipline yourself enough to read extensively, make notes and think creatively.
* Pray against distractions, dullness of mind and lack of perception; and declare you have the mind of Christ – a sound and focused mind.