And these signs will follow those who believe: In My name they will cast out demons; they will speak with new tongues; they will take up serpents; and if they drink anything deadly, it will by no means hurt them; they will lay hands on the sick, and they will recover. – Mark 16:17-18
Mark 16:17-20
It is the plan of God that every Christian walks in the supernatural, that our lives are lived beyond the natural, elementary order. He wants us to live as carriers of His power so we can bring remedy to hopeless situations, and shine His light in a dark world.
The supernatural is the biblical factor that gives validity and credibility to Christianity. The bible says, “…Jesus Christ, a Man attested by God to you by miracles, wonders and signs which God did through Him in your midst…” (Acts 2:22). As recipients of His power, nothing less is expected of us than to command sings and wonders as He did.
The supernatural should set the Christian apart from the world. Supernatural – In Wisdom, Divine Health, Knowledge, In Might, Supernatural Progress, In Casting out demons and Healing the Sick.
Jesus said, “These signs shall follow those who believe.” This means it is those who believe and work the word in their lives that will walk in the supernatural. WORKING GOD’S WORD PRODUCES WONDERS.
We have been given a divine mandate to go do exploits, God is ready to back us up and confirm our obedience with accompanying signs and wonders. It is time to put pressure on our faith and launch out, expecting the supernatural to follow us in every sphere of influence.
Isaiah 8:18, Acts 14:8-15 & John 14:12-14.
+ Ask God to give you a thirst for the supernatural – John 7:37-38
+ Come against unbelief and ask that God will help you to exercise your faith.
+ Boldly declare that signs shall follow you, and as you walk in the supernatural, you will be a solution provider, when you lay hands on any sick body, business, marriage, finance, etc., they will recover.
Lord I believe, help thou my unbelief 🙏
“Help my faith to move from my heart to my acts” . Amen
Thank you Lord, I walk in the supernatural and the power of God is made manefest in my life daily!
Amen! And may you experience victory as you step out, in Jesus name
Morning pastor. Thanks really good. I am blessed by this God bless you. I pray for more grace sir. Do have a lovely day. Cheers
Signs should follow you, do not follow the “signs”; the systems of this world. Faith will contradict your reality. Unbelief/doubt/fear will agree with it.
Exercise faith by practice; go to the faith gym, start with the “little” trusting and move up to the “mountain moving” kind.
#greaterworks #faithgym
Practical steps. Thanks. We all have our jobs cut out for us
Signs and wonders follow my supernatural ,I so not operate in the Natural but supernatural with accompanying signs and wonders because Jesus got my back Hallelujah!! Thank you pastor, I’m really blessed today.
Amen! May God honor our faith as we step out, and may we be proof producers, in Jesus name
Awesome word this morning. He has equipped us to do exploits.
Yes and AMEN!
The only thing that will hinder the supernatural flow of God in me is my unbelieve.
Thank God, that I can do the works that my FATHER did and even more will I do, that’s the assurance I have in Him hallelujah Jesus.
Lord, help me to overcome timidity and launch out in Faith. Help me to take little steps of faith and prove your word, until i grow in faith and results. May my Christianity not just be in words, but also in power and in the manifestation of the Holy Spirit!
So help me God, in Jesus name!
Signs and wonders are our trade mark.Thank You Pastor for Sharing With us.God bless you really God!