“But I say to you, love your enemies, bless those who curse you, do good to those who hate you, and pray for those who spitefully use you and persecute you.” ~ Matthew 5:44
The sermon on the mount is believed to be the greatest ever spoken by any man. It is Jesus’ longest recorded sermon; it teaches practical Christianity and good human relations. His teaching was counterculture: He said there is blessedness in desiring God, showing mercy, mourning, meekness, etc. He redefined sin as a state of the heart, not just an act. He said harboring anger in the heart is the same as murder. He concluded with, “Love your enemies, bless those who curse you.” It is the standard Jesus set: IT IS WHO YOU ARE.
Do not let people make you act out of character. You may sometimes want to get back at someone or react angrily to something they said or did. Do not! That is not who you are. Do not become mean because you feel people have taken advantage of you. Some customers can act ugly, but do not stop your customer-friendly policy. Do not stop being kind because someone was unappreciative. Someone you bailed out financially when you had little may turn around to call you stingy; keep being generous. A spouse may say, ‘I have been too soft; I am going to treat him the way he understands.’ Do not do so! It is not who you are.
Do not let people drag you from whom Christ has made you to their level. If someone wants to fight with you in the mud, will you join them in your clean clothes? When you are both dirtied, you will look the same to everybody. That is not who you are. You are love; you are meekness; you are kindness; you are forgiveness; you are the image of Christ. God will appraise you based on His word and standard; He will not take excuses like, “Well, Lord, I cheated, because she first cheated on me. I lied because he always doubts me. I spoke rudely because that’s the only language he understands. I stole because my boss never rewards my hard work.”
A man sees a snake dying in a fire and decides to free it from the flames. As soon as he catches it, the snake bites him. The man immediately drops the snake, and it falls back into the fire. The man finds a metal pole around and rescues the snake from the fire, saving its life. Someone who saw everything asks the man: “This snake bit you! Why are you trying to save its life?” The man replies: “The snake’s nature is to bite, but that will not change my nature, which is to help.” Do not change your nature just because someone hurt you. Do not lose your goodness or godliness, you have not so learned Christ. That is not who you are; you are better than that.
I Corinthians 4:12-13, I Peter 2:21-23 & Eph 4:17-21
+ Lord, let the beauty of Jesus be seen in my speech, conduct, purity, and love.
+ I resist the urge to fight back, get even, act ugly, etc. I am a Christian and will not change for anything or in any situation.
+ I ask for forgiveness where I have been out of character and disappointed You, Lord. I declare, “If it is not like Christ, it will no longer be found in me or mentioned around me.”
Amen 🙏🏽
Amen 🙏🏽
“That is not who I AM”
THAT IS NOT WHO I AM! I have the nature of CHRIST. Lord help me to always display the Character of Christ at every given situation. Thank you for the grace to show forth your glory. Amen🙏
Grace for this, in Jesus name. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Thank You Lord for being our example!
Thank You because as You are, so I am in this world!
Everyone who encounters me going forward will experience a glimpse of Jesus. I leave fragrances of Christlikeness at every one of my touchpoints in Jesus’ name because that’s Who I am.
Let the beauty of Jesus be seen in me,
All His wondrous compassion and purity.
O Thou Spirit divine,
All my nature refine,
Till the beauty of Jesus is seen in me.
This is not who I am. I will not harbour any bad intentions in my heart towards anybody. In Jesus Name !!!