“And the Lord said to Moses, “Bring Aaron’s rod back before the Testimony, to be kept as a sign against the rebels, that you may put their complaints away from Me, lest they die.” ~ Numbers 17:8
God told Moses to bring the fruitful rod of Aaron back before the Ark of Testimony to be a sign for always. A sign in this context is an omen, signal, or proof; it has a prophetic significance. So, the rod of Aaron has prophetic implications for generations to come; through it, God made a promise or prophecy that you and I can benefit from at all times.
a. More Than Enough Blessings: God could have just made the rod bring only leaves, and it would have sufficed, but it sprouted, budded, blossomed, and brought forth ripe almonds. God will do more than enough for you and give you overflow. You will have undeniable proof of fruitfulness through multiple blessings and streams of income. You will experience an undisputable display of divine goodness evident to all that God did it.
b. Natural Things in Unnatural Conditions: It is natural for a rod to have leaves, but when it is dried, it will be unnatural. God will do normal things in abnormal seasons, e.g., get a pay raise in a bad economy, have a child when medical science says it is impossible, and move to a better and more expensive apartment despite the times.
c. Divine Approval/Validation Before Men: After the same order of this miracle, God will do things to silence contentions against you and confirm and approve you in the office. In the same way that Potiphar knew that his house was blessed because of Joseph, God will do things to make it evident in your organization that you are the person fit for the top seat. God will establish you in your place of leadership and supremacy. When contentions, smear campaigns, and antagonism arise to stop your elevation/promotion, God will settle them.
d. Better Ending: Aaron’s rod started dry, but it ended up being abundantly fruitful. You can expect you will end up better in every situation than you began. You may start broke, struggling, or childless for years, but the glory of your latter shall be greater than your former. You may have started life’s journey dry, but you will finish with abundant fruits.
You can expect the image of the fruitful rod to be a prophecy to you in different circumstances. Take them and pray them over yourself; wage your war with these prophetic words of God.
Genesis 26:1-3 & 12-13, Ephesians 3:20, Acts 2:22, and Job 8:7
+ Take the prophecies above and pray them over yourself.