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“For with the heart one believes unto righteousness, and with the mouth confession is made...



“I will make you a great nation; I will bless you and make your name...


  1. Shizawali

    I am the honourable ambassador of Heaven.
    I tap into all the privilledges that come with that position and I pray I work for the good of the kingdom of heaven. Amen!

  2. Ijeoma Emezue

    I feel like today’s word was for me I am healed already

  3. ...Mangai

    …as an Ambassador of Christ, I am not here on my own but rather i am here on an assignment. Father help me to represent you well, and to fullfill my porpuse here on earth. My new status gives me diplomatic immunity from all devices of the enemy, i am far above prinspalities and powers, I enjoys heavens unlimited access to good life. Iam so blessed!!!

  4. Keziah Gankon

    I am The Lord’s ambassador… Make me to use all the previledge you have given to me,to make manifest a new brand me… Amen

  5. Olushola

    Welcome Ambassador Olushola, heavens representative on earth. Lord help me fulfill the purpose for which you have sent me. Let the heavens remain open over me in Jesus name. Amen

  6. D.H.B.

    It is such a privilege and honor to be an honorable ambassador of Heaven. Lord, I receive grace to be a good rep of Your Kingdom.

  7. Olayinka

    As an ambassador of the kingdom of heaven , I receive strength, boldness and power to fulfil my role in bringing people to the kingdom and liberating the oppressed so help me God . Help me to be a blessing to many as they are reconciled back to you.. Teach me to represent you well Lord.

  8. Samuel Achema

    “God’s primary diplomatic interest on earth is that no man should perish, but that all will be saved.”
    May God’s agenda and interests be fulfilled through me in Jesus name. Divine pecks and privileges that will attract men into the citizenship of Your kingdom, I enforce it in my life right now 🙏

  9. Julianne

    Hallelujah! Am am an ambassador of Yahweh, Ruler of the heavens and the earth.

  10. Emeka Fred -Hilary Kanebi

    An ambassador of peace. An emissary of hope. That is who I am.

    #preachpeace #advance #ALLnew

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