“Now in the first year of Cyrus king of Persia, that the word of the Lord by the mouth of Jeremiah might be fulfilled, the Lord stirred up the spirit of Cyrus king of Persia, so that he made a proclamation throughout all his kingdom…” ~ Ezra 1:1
“That the word of The Lord by the mouth of Jeremiah might be fulfilled…” It was the word of the Lord, but it came by Jeremiah’s mouth; the word of God in his mouth was as powerful as God’s word in God’s mouth. Hence, the power of prophecy extends to the human vessel who gives voice to the word of God. He is God’s oracle, and when he speaks, God has spoken.
When Jeremiah gave voice to God’s word in His spirit, the power of prophecy went into play. All human events (political and economic) began to respond to the prophecy. Jesus said, “Heaven and earth may pass away, but prophecy will come to pass.” When God’s servants speak as directed by God, expect the word to be fulfilled – policies will change, kings will come and go, leaders will be deposed and proposed, and all nature will ‘bend’ for God’s word to be true.
God transferred the world power from the Babylonians to the Medo-Persians to fulfill the prophecy concerning Israel’s release from captivity. Darius overthrew and killed Belshazzar, Nebuchadnezzar’s son, then Cyrus the Persian later came to power and became the tool God used for Israel’s deliverance by giving an order for their emancipation and return.
If the power of prophecy is in the spoken word, begin to speak the Word of God over your circumstances, not because of the circumstances, but despite the circumstances. The spoken word is potent enough to change circumstances, government policies, times and seasons, and kings. It will remove a man and put another in his place for God’s Word to be fulfilled.
God’s word in your mouth is as powerful as in His mouth; unleash the power of prophecy on the ‘stubborn’ situations in your life. The word of God can change whatever is visible now (illness, marital status, financial condition, and lack of a job, child, or home). Ignore presenting facts; God is working behind the scenes so that what was spoken to you might be fulfilled.
Isaiah 55:11, Matthew 24:35, and Mark 11:22-23
Teach me, Lord, and help me not to speak fear over my circumstances but to speak faith-filled words over them. As I make prophetic declarations from Your Word, may I see the desired effect and tangible manifestations in my life in Jesus’ name. I believe you are working behind the scenes for my good, even when I don’t see it. God’s word is working for me; MY CHANGE IS COMING!