“Then she arose with her daughters-in-law that she might return from the country of Moab, for she had heard in the country of Moab that the LORD had visited His people by giving them bread.” ~ Ruth 1:6
Location is critical. Being in the right location significantly affects our lives, but we rarely think much of it. The right location will determine whether the rice you plant yields a harvest. Rice does not grow in arid lands, nor will yam tubers grow in sandy soil. No matter how grown a fish becomes, it will never reside on land. The right location gives it the proper nutrients.
We live in very uncertain times, and the temptation to change location has never been as high as it is now, especially in many poor countries. The natural instinct in man for self-preservation makes him always seek whatever location he believes will offer him better opportunities, including the neighborhood he resides, where he works, and which country he lives in.
Naomi and her husband had left their original location, Bethlehem, because of economic hardship. They went to Moab with their two sons. For some reason, Moab was not a good location for her; her husband and two sons died there, and she was a childless widow. Interestingly, while mourning, she heard that God visited Bethlehem with bread.
Naomi’s family faced a temporary setback in their divinely assigned location; hence, they left. However, God later visited that place. Do not be careless about your location because where you are determines what you see and who sees you. God’s blessings are often tied to locations. Elijah was sent to a particular location for his sustenance, Paul got his healing at a specific house address, and God cut a covenant of perpetual blessing with Abram at a particular location.
Ask God to show you the location component of your life’s purpose. Ask Him to position you at the right place at the right time. Rebecca and Zipporah found their husbands because they were at the well and not at home. I pray that God will not permit you to be at rest in a place He has not assigned to you; may His Spirit stir you until you find yourself at the right location to fulfill your purpose. When you are there, may everything fall in place for you, in Jesus’ name.
Acts 9:10-12, I Samuel 10:3-6, and Genesis 18:9
+ Just as Sarah was at home in the tent on the day of her visitation, may I not miss my day of visitation. May I be at the right place at the right time.
+ Lord, deliver me from hastiness of spirit. May I not make permanent decisions based on temporary setbacks.
+ Lord, lead me by Your Spirit at all times. Plant me in a location that will augur well for my destiny and fulfillment of my life’s assignment.