The Lord turned to him and said, “Go in the strength you have and save Israel out of Midian’s hand. Am I not sending you?” Gideon replied “Pardon me, my lord, but how can I save Israel? My clan is the weakest in Manasseh, and I am the least in my family.” Judges 6:14-15
Judges 6:1-16
Self-doubt is a lack of confidence in yourself and your abilities. It gives you a million reasons why you should not dare, why you are not built or fit for greatness, why you will fail at an endeavor, why you should play it safe, why you should keep waiting for the ‘right time.’ Self-doubt will show you mountains that you can’t scale when you set out to accomplish things.
However, there are no mountains anywhere; every man’s mountains are those he sets up in his mind. Your mind is your greatest limit. William Shakespeare said, “Our doubts make us lose the good we often might achieve, by fearing to attempt.” No matter how much God can, if you believe you can’t, then God can’t or won’t. Your ‘I can’t’ can tie the hands of God. For example, God couldn’t get His message delivered to the Ninevites when Jonah (the chosen vessel) chose to run away to Tarshish (Jonah 1:1-3).
Although God can replace an unwilling vessel with a willing vessel, He has specific things He would prefer specific people to do because of what He has put in each of us. So, if you allow self-doubts set up mountains in your mind, it means God won’t fulfill His dreams through you. If God isn’t fulfilling His dreams through you then what meaning are you creating?
Silence self-doubt. Don’t limit yourself and by so doing, limit God. You are the vessel God wants to do stuff through. Napoleon Hill said, “One of the main weaknesses of mankind is the average man’s familiarity with the word ‘impossible’. He knows all the rules which will not work. He knows all the things which cannot be done.” To move forward, you must rid your vocabulary of ‘what ifs’ and replace it with ‘why not?’
Do you think there was a difference between Gideon the ‘cave dweller’ and Gideon the ‘conqueror’? Nothing really but the ‘belief in himself’ – his ‘I can’ was discovered. He got in touch with the ‘Super within him.’ God + man = Super You. When you awaken to that equation, you will begin to say things like, ‘I would not have thought I could do what I am doing now; I never thought I could pull that thing off, I never thought I could lead so many people.’
Self-doubt may not necessarily just evaporate, you have to embrace it and act in spite of it. Don’t surrender to it and don’t let it shut you down. Do like Vincent Van Gogh said, “If you hear a voice within you say you cannot paint, then by all means paint and that voice will be silenced.” When fear and doubt tell you can’t, then by all means do the opposite; that is the way you silence self-doubt.
Exodus 4:1-16, Psalm 78:40-42, & II Timothy 1:7
Heavenly Father, I yield myself to You this day, to Your leadership and Your calling. I want to be the man/woman You use to change my world. I release my self-doubt and I receive Your abundant grace in Jesus’ name. Amen.
Awesome God!
He chose me for a reason. He knows my limits and capabilities, so He chose me.
He equips those He chooses, within (the rod, courage) and without ( an Aaron, a mouth piece) .
Even when I magnify my limits, He says “Yes, you CAN!” .
Yes, I CAN!
#limits #iCan #trust&obey
I truly do matter to God’s purposes and plans upon the earth.
Lord, I permit Your strength to be manifest in this weak vessel so that the glory is totally yours. Amen.