And these signs will follow those who believe: In My name they will cast out demons; they will speak with new tongues; they will take up serpents; and if they drink anything deadly, it will by no means hurt them; they will lay hands on the sick, and they will recover. Mark 16:17-18
Mark 16:17-20
It is the plan of God that every Christian walks in the supernatural, that your life is lived beyond the natural and elementary order. He wants you to live as a carrier of His power so you can bring remedy to hopeless situations, and shine His light in a dark world.
The supernatural is the biblical factor that gives validity and credibility to Christianity. During the early days of the Church in Iconium, the religious Jews tried to poison the minds of the Gentiles and other Jews from accepting Christ; however, Paul and Barnabas spoke confidently about the Gospel of Christ, and God confirmed their message by performing signs and wonders in their midst; as a result, some of the unbelievers became believers (Acts 14:1-4). Also, Acts 2:22 reveals that Jesus’ divine authority was proven by the miracles and wonders which God performed though Him. As recipients of His power, nothing less is expected of us than to command signs and wonders as He did.
It is the supernatural that should set the Christian apart from the world. Supernatural – in wisdom, divine health, knowledge, might, casting out demons, living the abundant life, blazing trails, healing the sick, raising the dead, etc. Why else should we experience the spiritual new birth in Christ, if not for us to live a higher order of life than those of ‘natural’ birth?
Jesus said, “These signs shall follow those who believe,” this means it is those who believe and work the Word in their lives that will walk in the supernatural. Working the Word produces wonders. You have been given a divine mandate to go do exploits, God is ready to back you up and confirm your obedience with accompanying signs and wonders. It is time to put pressure on your faith and launch out, expecting the supernatural to follow you in every sphere of your engagement.
Isaiah 8:18, John 7:37-38, 14:12-14, & Acts 8:4-8
Lord, I ask for a thirst for the supernatural; as I work the Word and exercise my faith for the supernatural, may my act of obedience be rewarded with countless signs and wonders in Jesus’ name.
Amen Lord,