“When Joseph’s brothers saw that their father was dead, they said, “Perhaps Joseph will hate us, and may actually repay us for all the evil which we did to him.”” ~ Genesis 50:18
The scenario in our text is an instructive one: Joseph’s brothers were dealing with anxiety and fear because their father was dead. They worried that Joseph would take revenge on them for their attempted fratricide (the act of killing a brother). Guilt is one reason people worry – the fear of their sin finding them out. It seems Joseph’s brothers lied about what Jacob said, but that is what guilt does: it produces anxiety, and anxiety produces lies, and lies, more guilt.
This story shows us more practical things we can do to declare war on worry and to live worry-free. Let us consider the following:
a. Let it out: Today, people blackmail others for their secret sins. There are instances of people committing suicide because someone threatened to bring out something bad about them to the public. Others have been extorted by someone privy to their ‘secret sin.’ Seek forgiveness from God; go public with it (tell someone) – let it out yourself. God is more merciful than you think and people soon forget too. Joseph’s brothers sought forgiveness.
b. Live right: Joseph’s brothers were victims of guilt, which introduced worry. They imagined that Joseph would hate them, mistreat them, and repay them for their sin; these thoughts consumed them. If only they had done right by their brother, there would be no need for that. A guilty conscience is a gateway to a world of worry; do your best to live right and above reproach. If you do anything wrong, quickly confess it and take steps to amend it.
c. See the good in every situation: Joseph could have imagined the worst that could happen with his brothers around or be consumed with thoughts of what they did to him, how he suffered, his years of separation from his father, etc., until he was depressed and bitter. However, he said, “You meant evil against me; but God meant it for good, in order to bring it about as it is this day, to save many people alive.” He chose to see the good in the matter.
Don’t let the devil make you think that what you did is so bad. The best way out is to hide your head in shame or take your life. Don’t live your life being suspicious of everyone around you. Satan is after your mental health; don’t let him. Refuse to be anxious. Declare war on worry.
Acts 24:16, James 5:16, Micah 7:18-19, and Hebrews 8:12
+ Lord, I seek Your forgiveness and deep cleansing from every sin, error, or guilt in my life that satan uses to torment me. I declare that by the blood of Jesus, I am free.
+ In turn, I forgive anyone who has wronged me, trusting You to bring good out of the situation.