“And Samson said to them, “This time I shall be blameless regarding the Philistines if I harm them!” – Judges 15:1-5
Judges 15:1-5 & Judges 16:23-31
Samson was a man with no clear sense of purpose; he lived thoughtlessly and sold his honor on beds of fornication; he sought independence without learning submission. He was taken by his looks and gift, assuming these qualify him for special treatments and the love of women. He despised correction and liked to have his way. Let’s see all these play out in Samson’s life:
He Used God as a Means to an End: Samson had no noticeable relationship with God. He grew up in a godly home but did not nurture his personal relationship with God. The Lord was with Samson, but Samson was not with the Lord. He flouted his Nazirite vows, took God for granted, and only called Him whenever he needed Him for something (Judges 15:18 & Judges 16:28).
Character Deficit: Samson, as an only child, must have been over-pampered by his parents. He was rebellious, spoilt and manipulative, making his parents answer his every whim (ladies, do not marry such a man). He had great gifts and talents, but very weak character. Although he achieved great things, he lost it all very easily. He never learnt from his past mistakes.
Careless With His Calling: Called to deliver Israel, yet, Samson was a pleasure seeker, careless with his calling. He went anywhere and hung out with anybody when his calling should have restrained him. He did whatever felt good to him, and sulked if he did not have his way.
Did not Understand the Concept of Consequences: Samson did not understand boundaries. He did everything God forbade him to; he married a philistine, slept with a prostitute, and touched a dead lion. He over-exposed himself to temptation until he was burnt. He never knew all his wrong choices would catch up with him. Samson means sun; he would shine briefly, but be soon covered by a cloud. It gave one last bright shine in Dagon’s temple and set, never to rise again.
Women Woes: Samson’s relationship with women lacked commitment. He sought no specific quality in women; he went from girlfriend, to wife, to separation, to prostitute, to a ‘situation’ (Delilah). When it came to women, his decisions were guided by his lust and his phallus. He saw women only as tools to satisfy his lust. A woman caused him to disobey his parents, kill 30 innocent men, burn a farm, give up his secret, and a woman eventually led to his death.
What a sad commentary about a life with great potential. Indeed, a great calling, with great gifts and a great passion, without great discipline, will lead to a great fall.
2 Timothy 2:22 & Proverbs 25:28.
+ I have been hidden behind the cloud of flesh, friends, shame, addiction, worry, etc. Lord, today, clear the cloud away and cause me to shine in full brightness, take away the veil (2 Corinthians 3:14b).
+ Father, I bring my every thought, action, desire, and intent into captivity to the obedience of Christ, and I become a man whose hearts’ desire is obedience to Christ.
+ Henceforth, I break out and shine forth in Jesus’ name, Amen.
Amen 🙏🏽
Amen 🙏🏼
Indiscipline is voluntary exposure to insecurity and a covering of great gifts or talents.
The most detailed profiling on Samson I’ve read ! Now people wouldn’t want to give a beautiful name like Samson to their sons.
Hahaaaa! That’s interesting! By the way, is your Sam Samuel or Samson?
Sampson kept on pushing boundaries until he got to his destruction.
God sets boundaries for a reason. For our own good. This is worth meditating on.
Very true Solomon! The very thing that is meant to protect us but we see it as restricting us.
May we always remain within the boundaries set by God’s love.