…I came that they may have and enjoy life, and have it in abundance (to the full, till it overflows). – John 10:10 (amplified bible)
John 10:7-11
God does not want believers to be harassed out of life before a ripe old age. God has promised them a qualitative and quantitative life, in Christ Jesus. And when God promises, He’s ready to fulfill it!
Have you ever seen an obituary in a newspaper and, in a flash, your mind paints a picture of you being the one in that column? God’s children are not supposed to think or talk like that – we have a better covenant based on better promises! We have a covenant of life – of abundant life in Christ Jesus. Don’t let what you read in the papers or hear on the news determine the length of your life – it is not even in the hands of a Doctor! According to Scriptures, you have the right to abundant life and to fulfill the number of your days.
Some Christians cite Job 1:21 and say, “The Lord giveth and the Lord taketh away.” But when you read through the entire Job 1, you will discover that the devil, not God was behind the death of Job’s children. God does not ‘take away;’ the Bible calls death an enemy, and Jesus came to destroy him (the devil) that had the power of death and free us from the fear of the bondage of death. It is only the thief that comes to steal, kill and destroy…Jesus comes to give LIFE!
Today again, God puts before you the choice of life and death, and He urges you to choose life! Don’t say, “Well, some believers die young.” We can’t satisfactorily say why that is, because we don’t know all, and we can’t say what people chose. But, we do know that it is God’s will for you to live an abundant, long and fulfilling life!
You say, “Pastor Wale, why do you say that?” Because every time Jesus came across a dead person in the Bible He raised them back to life, showing us the Father’s heart concerning death or life. (See the list – Jairus’ daughter, Mark 5:35-42. Lazarus, John 11:38-44. The Widow of Nain’s son, Luke 7:11-15.)
Jesus suffered and died that you may live. You have a blood-bought right to abundant life, exercise it to the full!
Psalm118:17, Isaiah 46:3-4 & Deuteronomy 30:19.
+ Declare that you shall live and not die to fulfill all of God’s purpose for your life.
+ Come against the spirit of ‘the fear of untimely death.’ Declare that it has no power over you and it cannot consume you in Jesus name!
He gives life, abundant life for a purpose.
For that purpose, I align.
With long life He will satisfy me
#ideclare #iemerge #iprayer