Next to him Uzziel the son of Harhaiah, one of the goldsmiths, made repairs. Also next to him Hananiah, one of the perfumers, made repairs; and they fortified Jerusalem as far as the Broad Wall. Nehemiah 3:8
Nehemiah 3:1-8
While Jerusalem’s walls were being rebuilt under Nehemiah’s leadership, all hands were on deck to ensure the completion of the work. From today’s main text, even perfumers and goldsmiths didn’t excuse themselves from the work; they left their businesses to attend to God’s business because to them, rebuilding Jerusalem’s walls (and God’s temple) was very dear to their hearts; they saw it as a most noble calling. As believers, the building/furtherance of God’s kingdom wherever we function is a noble call and must be cherished above all other things and vocations.
Imagine that perfumers and goldsmiths were on site, laying building blocks? They didn’t think that their professions excused them from prioritizing the building of God’s city/temple. You may be a professional in a particular field of endeavor, but understand this: “Your profession is God’s gift to you, what you do with it is your gift to God.” The primary reason for which God gave you a profession is not to get a good job and make money; it is to serve Him and extend His kingdom. The job you have is just to pay the expense.
A time comes in life when God calls to use everything He has equipped you with. It is a call bigger than you, bigger than any profession, and bigger than working in a big corporation, making money, traveling abroad or living large.
God seeks:
Architects that will design people’s lives and bring order/symmetry to them.
Doctors to cure people from spiritual blindness and illnesses.
Lawyers that will mediate and intercede between God and man.
Bankers who will bring people out of spiritual bankruptcy.
Midwives that help to birth spiritual babies through evangelism.
Marketers and investors that will grow the ‘franchise’ of God’s kingdom on earth, etc.
So, it’s time you ask yourself, “What contributions am I making in men’s eternal destiny?” “What am I giving back to God?” “What is on my Spiritual C.V.?” Whatever your profession is, you must remember that you are an ambassador for Christ, here to promote God’s kingdom. Therefore, you must consciously make decisions and take steps that help you fulfill this ‘Noble Call’ in your marketplace and even in your local assembly (Church). Offer your time, service, expertise, or material resource to establish God’s kingdom.
Don’t let the title before or after your name stop you, neither should you allow your academic qualifications to becloud your vision, God is counting on you to answer this most noble call – stand to be counted! God does not care how much you know, He wants to know how much you care about the eternal destiny of men – that is the heartbeat of God.
Haggai 1:1-15, Psalm 137:5-6, & Ephesians 2:10
Dear Lord, I pray for a heart that would be willing to promote Your kingdom above anything else. Give me grace to use the gifts You have given me to adequately fund and serve Your purpose on earth in Jesus’ name.