“If God gives some people wealth, property, and the power to enjoy those things, they should enjoy them …that is a gift from God.” ~ Ecclesiastes 5:19 (ERV)
Ecclesiastes 5:18-20 (ERV)
The conclusion drawn by king Solomon on wealth is an excellent way to end this series. The wise and wealthy king, having seen the brevity of life and the vanity of endless pursuit of wealth and material things, counsels, “Take it easy, enjoy, and be thankful to God for the things you have because He gave them to you.” If you have a job, food, drink, and a house to retire to and are alive to enjoy them, you have every reason to thank God; thus far, He has brought you.
Let’s see more money principles and embrace tested truths from king Solomon on wealth:
a. Damaging Debts (Proverbs 22:7): If you remain in debt, you are bound to the lender. Debt limits your freedom to live life how you want; most of what you earn goes into repayment. Debt is taking from your future to satisfy today. Imagine if you were not in debt, you would be free to buy or do what you want or even go on a holiday whenever you want to.
b. A Good Name (Proverbs 22:1): People rarely care about the value of their names today; they are ready to do just about anything to get money, even if it means spoiling their names. They will later regret it. There is power in a good reputation. Your name is like your brand; if associated with integrity, excellence, honor, etc., it will attract wealth to you.
c. Don’t Overwork Yourself (Proverbs 23:4-5): Work is good, but to overwork yourself because you are pursuing wealth is terrible. Take a break sometimes and rest, give yourself a break, go on a holiday with your spouse/family, go for a massage, etc. This is crucial because you need a healthy body to make money. Many people deplete their health to get wealth and later expend all their wealth to get back their health.
d. Artificial Inflation (Proverbs 11:26): Many traders (unions) often create artificial scarcity so that the law of supply and demand will drive prices up; they then sell at high prices, making unimaginable profits. They think this is good business sense. However, Solomon said the hardship this puts on people will make them invoke curses on you, and there will be much ill-will towards you and your business in the community, which will affect you adversely.
e. God’s Blessings (Proverbs 10:22): This is the conclusion: do everything to get the blessing of God on your life and venture; that is true wealth. Without it, money can corrupt, develop wings and fly away, and thieves may steal it. Wealth without God exposes you to satan’s wrath, man’s hate, and life’s sudden turns. What if you have money and your family is in shambles? That is not true wealth. It is God’s prosperity that comes with no sorrow.
Thank you for giving heed to Solomon on wealth. I hope you will come back now and again to go over them and adopt them. Please let me know how this series has blessed you.
ADDITIONAL TEXTS: (Ensure you read each of the texts for the points above)
+ Lord, help me commit to my heart and practice what I have learned in the last five days.
+ I commit to maintaining a good name at all costs, irrespective of what the world has come to accept; I will be different and shine for God.
+ Forgive me for any mindset or practices I have adopted in making money that displease You.
This is one week that requires coming back to from time to time especially with the ‘pressures’ around us.
I wonder what comes to mind when people hear my name? 🤔