“So, he said, “Call her.” When he had called her, she stood in the doorway. Then he said, “About this time next year, you shall embrace a son.” ~ II Kings 4:15-16
The woman at Shunem dared to identify with Elisha in his needs and supplied his needs the best way she could. While she did this, she had her personal needs – she had been married for many years without a child. Her culture and times considered this a curse or displeasure of God. She pled with her husband that they should be a blessing to Elisha. She did not do it for what she would get but to make him comfortable, not knowing she would get a prophet’s reward.
God’s prophets are God’s excuses extended to you to be blessed. In I Kings, it seems Elijah went to the widow of Zarephath for his survival, but Jesus put things in proper perspective for us. He said, “…many widows were in Israel in the days of Elijah when the heaven was shut up three years and six months, and there was a great famine throughout all the land; but to none of them was Elijah sent except to Zarephath.” Elijah was sent to the widow by God for her preservation.
After this wealthy lady fed Elisha with a sumptuous meal and built him a well-furnished apartment, God would not let her go unrewarded. He prompted Elisha to call for her; God urgently needed to bless her for her unusual kindness to God’s prophet. A blank cheque was extended to her, “What can I do for you? Anything at all.” She was too modest to ask for anything. However, God, in His mercy, knew her need and prophesied a turnaround in the space of a year.
After a year, according to prophecy, this woman had a son in her old age. That is a prophet’s reward. No doctor could have done that; it would have been impossible no matter how much she met her husband. She was rich, but money could not buy her that miracle (reward). When the Lord rewards, He does what your money or network cannot do. God is a rewarder indeed.
Show kindness to God’s ministers; God is bound by scripture to ensure you receive a reward. This reward may be tangible or intangible – anointing, favor, grace, open doors, jobs, fruit of the womb, marriage, gifts of real estate, etc. Your reward shall be according to your sacrifice in ministering to God’s minister. Be expectant; receive a prophet’s reward today!
Matthew 10:40-42, Genesis 27:3-4, and I Kings 17:13-15
+ Lord, open my eyes to the revelation You teach me today. Please help me to use it to my advantage and to secure impossible miracles. Enable and empower me to support those who serve your purpose in Your house. As I do this, I will not fail to receive my reward – in the way I most need it, in Jesus’ name.