And He said, “I will certainly return to you according to the time of life, and behold, Sarah your wife shall have a son.”(Sarah was listening in the tent door which was behind him.) Now Abraham and Sarah were old, well advanced in age; and Sarah had passed the age of childbearing. Therefore Sarah laughed within herself, saying, “After I have grown old, shall I have pleasure, my lord being old also?” Genesis 18:10-12
Genesis 18:1-14
When God’s Angel told Abraham that Sarah would have a son in her old age, it sounded laughable in the natural; no wonder Sarah laughed. Sarah must have done everything possible to have children but it never worked out for her; and as the years went and the delay continued her mind must have become conditioned that having children wasn’t for her. So, that mindset became a hindrance when it came to receiving and accepting a prophetic word from God.
If you have been repeatedly disappointed in a specific area of your life for a long time, you can most likely understand and relate with Sarah’s sarcasm. Perhaps like Sarah, you have also reached a point where you have now formed mindsets that can’t see a different outcome to a particular situation which could be hindering you from making progress in that area.
Your mindsets govern your actions in life and determine where and how far you go. If you cannot see things happen in your mind, it may be difficult to see them happen physically. Constant disappointment in life gets you to doubt yourself and place boundaries in your mind; but, that is not of God, so, you must untangle yourself from every mindset of limitation.
In life it is not about what happens to you but how you see what happens to you that matters. Whatever has come, will come to pass. It has been said that “There are no mountains anywhere, every man’s mountain are those he sets up in his mind.” Therefore in moving forward, you must constantly renew your mind with God’s Word; it is the weapon that strengthens your faith and gives you power to overcome life’s vicissitudes.
Similarly, you must consciously get rid of killer mindsets such as:
“I am helpless” – that is not true, God is your helper (Hebrews 13:5).
“My situation is hopeless” – consider Lazarus in the grave and Ezekiel in the valley of very dry bones. (John 11:43-44, & Ezekiel 37:2-10).
“I can’t, it is impossible” – nothing is impossible, remember Sarah? (Hebrews 11:11).
“I failed before what is the guarantee it will work this time?” – ask Isaac (Gen. 26:12-22).
Romans 12:2 and Romans 10:17
+ Pull down every negative mindset that has exalted itself against the Word of God in your life, and caused you to put limitations on the things you can receive in life.
+ Pray that your intake of the Word will free your mind from every clutter, align your mind with the mind of Christ, and bring about your desired transformation.
This is the season for reversal of strongholds and breaking down barriers set by gatekeepers. May we be dead to old limiting mindsets and open to what God is about to do.
Thank you for a ‘sound’ mind Lord! Holy Spirit, I receive help to continue to think on the right things in Jesus name. Amen.
The grace to recognise/identify miracles, especially those disguised, abides in a sound mind.
#soundmind #beautifulmind #perfection
As I commit to feeding on your word, renew my mind Lord.
A mind that sees no mountain, a mind that believes no circumstances is impossible for God to turn around.
Thank you Lord Jesus Christ.
Thank you Lord for your word. Renew my mind towards the right direction, no more limitations. There is no impossibility with you & I so believe.
I declare that I have the mind of Christ, I have sound mind and my mind is fruitful and filled with truth, lovely thoughts and thoughts that are of good report in Jesus Christ mighty name… Amen
These were very inspiring words that has brought strong motivation to my pursuit this morning.. The mountains of limitations over my mind are broken. I am walking in amazing possibilities.
My mind is aligned with the plans of God towards me in Jesus name
Just as negative mindsets took time to build up, I appreciate that the strength to pull and tear it down hasn’t been portrayed as easy to come by. However, God will perfect ALL that concerns me. Amen
Today’s word is an amazing one and with perfect timing. Limitless God who makes the Impossible Possible, I surrender ALL to you.
I can
I will
I shall