They shall still bear fruit in old age; they shall be fresh and flourishing.” – Psalms 92:14
As a child of God, every season is your season. In fact, it is in times of famine and economic difficulty that God wants you to flourish and prosper because of where you are rooted and connected. Even when God says, “Later!” to your desires, live in constant expectation and believe that every day is your day and every season is your season. Jesus categorically said, “Any branch that does not abide in me cannot bear fruits and will eventually be cut away and cast into the fire.” Therefore, fruitlessness is a sign that a tree is not rooted in the right soil, or has been ‘cut off.’
Animals mate seasonally, meaning, they are fruitful based on seasons because nature has conditioned them so. Animals do not reproduce when the environment is adverse and detrimental to a newborn’s survival, when food supply is insufficient, when there are too many predators around, or when climatic conditions would not let them hibernate or migrate. The devil tries to replicate these in ‘man’ by keeping him focused on the climate (weather, policies), the limitations of his office or finances, on bigger companies (predators), no food (investors), etc., hence, he is made barren and stagnant. You must reject and fight these vigorously, for you are planted in Christ and you are programmed for perpetual, non-seasonal fruitfulness.
Our text likens the righteous to palm trees and cedar; it is noteworthy that whenever the bible mentions trees, it speaks of men. For example, “That they may be called TREES of righteousness, plantings of the Lord,” “He shall be like a tree planted by the waters,” “I see men as trees,” “Your wives shall be like a fruitful vine, children like olive plants,” “The righteous shall flourish like a palm tree, He shall grow like the cedar of Lebanon,” “I am the Vine and you are the branches,” etc. It means therefore, that you are meant to flourish like the palm tree, always bearing fruits, even in your old age.
You may have hit a point where progress has become difficult, where you feel like your grades are low, business is slow, your relationship has lost its spark, your efforts aren’t bringing results and you can’t say you have TOTAL-LIFE prosperity (all-round progress – nothing missing, nothing broken). God has placed no limitation on your fruitfulness; He wants it to be all-round and all-season. That says to the world that ‘you are not of this world,’ neither is your Source. A fruitful life is proof that you are IN Christ; It is proof of progress – spiritual, physical, material, emotional, professional, etc. Nobody argues with proofs. This is what gives glory to God, your fruitfulness. The Latin maxim says, “Res ipsa loquitur” – “Let the facts speak for themselves.” May there be enough proofs in your life speaking to God’s faithfulness to you, in Jesus’ name.
Finally, bearing fruits does not happen overnight; it doesn’t happen without God or just because we wish it. It happens when we are rooted in Christ. So, get deeply rooted in Christ – Stay in His Word. Commune with Him in prayers. Live a life of obedience. Be part of a fellowship of believers. Jesus said, “If you abide in me, you will bear fruits, and if you have some fruits now, you will bear more fruits and much fruits; even in your old age, you will still be fruitful.” Today, I declare, “Be all that God created you to be; be Fruitful in your body, in your spirit, in your business and in all you set your mind and hands upon to do, in Jesus’ name!”
+ There shall be no more dryness in my life, every dry tree begins to sprout again.
+ Lord, every seed in me begins to bud and every potential in me yields fruit.
+ I ask for fresh anointing (fertilizer) to aid my fertility, productivity and prosperity. It will cause accelerated growth and divinely assisted fruitfulness.
+ I declare that I am anointed to bear fruits – more fruits – much fruits always in Jesus’ name.
I am anointed to bear fruits, more fruits and much fruits in Jesus name, I stay connected!
Amen 🙏🏽
There’s such a huge supernatural shift in my focus this morning.
“My fruitfulness is as a result of my rootedness in Christ and not because of the times and seasons”
Glory to God!
It’s interesting that my fruitfulness isn’t determined by whatever is happening around me like the animals. In Christ it is who I am – Fruitful!!!
I’m planted in Christ no more dryness in my life
Always in blossom 🌸
I am annointed to bear fruits continually!
And this is because I am rooted in Christ
Praise God!!!