“I am the vine; you are the branches. He who abides in Me, and I in him, bears much fruit; for without Me you can do nothing.” – John 15:5
God ‘planted’ you in this world; His desire for you is that you are fruitful. The very first words God spoke to mankind were, “Be fruitful and multiply;” that means that He has programmed into every man the capacity to bring forth fruits. Not only does God expect man to be fruitful, He comes seeking fruits from man as the vineyard owner, because unfruitfulness is contrary to His divine plan.
To be fruitful is to produce fruits, to be fertile, to bring forth good and helpful results. It is to be valuable, profitable, abundantly productive, successful and advantageous. A fruitful life is a portrait of spiritual maturity, which manifests itself in the fruit of the Spirit. It is a life of impact, it is living to be a blessing to others, it is a life of prosperity and progress; it includes multiplication – having children, but it is not limited to that.
Our fruitfulness gives God glory. Jesus said God is glorified when we bear fruits, which includes, when we manifest the fruit of the Spirit, when we succeed, when we produce something or when we make profit. A fruit-bearing tree only enters its full glory and fulfills the objective of its being planted (bringing joy to its owner) when it produces and brings forth fruits. In the same way, “The usefulness of your life is in the fruitfulness of your life.” If you abide in Christ the Vine, your life will produce desirable fruits. David said, “Those who are planted in the house of the LORD shall flourish and shall still bear fruit in old age.”
Fruitfulness is manifested in spiritual maturity. This is evidenced by the fruits of the Spirit: love, patience, kindness, self-control, gentleness, not easily irritated, flustered, or angered. The fruits are also revealed in the form of divine wisdom, revelation knowledge, faith, authority over satan, sin and sickness, discernment of spirits, bible study and a vibrant prayer life, which are given by the power of the Holy Spirit. Fruitfulness means fulfilling purpose in the areas of your calling, career, establishing what God has called you to do and prospering in it, starting your business, mentoring others and reaching out to people.
God delights in the prosperity/fruitfulness of His servants. He desires that you prosper in all things and be in health, even as your soul prospers; that you are fruitful in every department of your physical existence, having children and money, thriving in whatever you lay your hands to do. Fruitfulness is when you begin to unveil the unique ‘colors of God’ embedded in you: showcasing your uniqueness, talents, graces and gifts, come up with witty inventions, solve knotty issues and convert your potential to tangibles and products.
Fruitfulness is a result of roots and growth. We begin to bear fruits upwards only when we have first taken roots downwards. Roots that don’t lead to growth are useless, so also, growth that does not culminate in fruits calls for concern. God wants us to evidence our progression of fruitfulness by bearing fruit, more fruit and much fruit. Jesus said, “A tree is known by its fruits.” What comes out of your life and where you derive your source from, reveals the kind of ‘tree’ you are. Therefore, get yourself deeply rooted in Christ. Be built up in Jesus. Become established in your faith. Grow deep. And live tall and beautiful. Be all that God created you to be…Be Fruitful! IN JESUS NAME!
3 John 2, Genesis 1:27-28 & Isaiah 37:31
+ Ask God to cure barrenness in your life, then proclaim healing and fruitfulness in your life.
+ Break the spirit of stagnation and cycles of miscarriages and ask for the Fruit of the womb.
+ Pray that the Lord brings out every potential fruit that is in you as a seed and receive the anointing for in-season and out-of-season fruitfulness (all year-round blessings).
I am rooted in Christ, my never ending source. I grow and live Tall and Beautiful because I am established in Him. I am fruitful!!!