And they said to him, “Thus says Hezekiah: ‘This day is a day of trouble and rebuke and blasphemy; for the children have come to birth, but there is no strength to bring them forth. Isaiah 37:3
Isaiah 37:1-3
The picture here painted is that of a woman at the point of delivery, yet lacking the strength to give the ‘final push.’ It is indeed a disheartening one. Sometimes in our everyday lives, we get to this point, the point where something or an idea we have been pregnant with for “9 months” (indicative of its full term) is about to be delivered (birthed) and it seems all doors are closing up in our face at the last minute.
This happens sometimes when a man is just some steps or days away from his breakthrough, but he loses hope and courage and gives up trusting and pushing. It’s like a person who has consistently been in a cycle of lack, who knows God wants him out, but lacks the initiative or drive to get out.
When you find yourself in such situations, the temptation to stop praying, stop confessing your beliefs, stop studying the Word of God, or to avoid attending church services becomes very strong. In most cases, it is possible that you may even take the bait. Satan’s greatest weapon against you is discouragement, tiredness, and mental fatigue.
However, this is not the time to back-pedal; rather, it is a time that you should get locked up with God in prevailing travails (prayers), until you sense a release and a breakthrough. Like Samson, you should ask God for that ‘last-minute strength’ for only then will you have the divine enablement to break through every barrier of the enemy and enter into your next elevated level.
Trust God for strength for every phase of your life’s journey, so that when your day of opportunity comes, you will not lack the strength and wisdom to give the push that births the miracle.
Exodus 23:25-26, Judges 16:23-30, & Isaiah 66:7-9
+ Ask God for divine strength to birth everything that is in you, in full term.
+ Pray against any form of miscarriage or abortion of your dreams, children, hopes, ideas, etc., by the authority in Jesus’ name.
May I not lack strength in the most critical and destiny-defining seasons of my life; that is, the ideas, wisdom, tenacity or even mental fertility I need for breakthrough and for creating a better life experience for myself. May I always know what to do at every point in time in my life, so i can move from my point A to my point B, in Jesus name – So help me God!
Every pain & discomfort of birth pangs tells me God is about to birth something through me.
I receive the grace & strength to push through.
There’s a glory coming, I will endure through Christ Who gives me strength.