This is a faithful saying and these things I want you to affirm constantly, that those who have believed in God should be careful to maintain good works. These things are good and profitable to men. Titus 3:8
Titus 3:1-8
In this Epistle of Paul’s to his son in the Lord, Titus, he charged him to set in order the requirements for the pastoral office for his immediate audience and for the body of Christ but went further to lay down the lifestyle that should mark those who are believers in Christ.
It is very easy to think that coming to Christ is just about getting a one-way ticket to heaven. In fact, many believers see their salvation as an opportunity to escape the horrors of hell. These are correct positions, but is that all salvation is about? Is that all that Jesus sacrificed Himself for? If that was it, Jesus would have just taken you to heaven the day you got saved. Well, He didn’t, and the reason is because salvation is to help you primarily be a representative and representation of Jesus here on earth.
Titus was admonished to address this in his church and amongst the believers. Coming to Christ is about embracing a new lifestyle. It is about a change and a transformation. It is about letting people experience Christ through you. Christianity is not a title to bear, it is a life to live; it is the character of Christ revealed in all our engagements and relationships. So, in this chapter, Paul told Titus to remind the people of their civic responsibilities, i.e., to watch their speech and conduct amongst men, to stay away from lustful pleasures and to avoid the poison of hate and malice. He told them that these ‘good works’ are things they must be ‘careful’ to maintain and do. The adjective ‘careful,’ suggests that they must be thoughtful and give a lot of attention to these Christian virtues.
The proof of New Birth in a man is a changed life and changed behavior. We cannot be saved and still be the same old man bound by sin. Rather, we should bear fruits worthy of repentance and be committed to a changed lifestyle. As you go into today, be careful to maintain good works in all your engagements, and may God cause you to find good favor before all men, in Jesus’ name.
Ephesians 4:22-24, I John 3:17-18 & Luke 6:46-49
Lord, may I not only bear the title of a ‘Christian;’ but, help me to live a life that daily reveals Christ in all my engagements and relationships, so people can experience Christ through me in Jesus’ name.
Amen! 🙏🏾