“…For which I suffer trouble as an evildoer, even to the point of chains; but the word of God is not chained.” ~ II Timothy 2:9
We now know that Paul was kept in jail and chained for the sake of the gospel of Christ. He rose above any sense of regret or offense to make his chains count for the kingdom of God by witnessing Christ to the prison guards, and so started a chain reaction that emboldened the saints to preach Christ. Let us see how to survive life’s chains and come out successfully.
Chains, in our context, represent circumstances we find ourselves in that are opposite to our cause and cause discomfort. Cut off from friends, family, and ministry by his chains, one thing that Paul did not allow the chains to stop, as seen in our text, was the word of God. Although in chains, Paul still preached and was glad that the word of God still spread.
When you find yourself in chains, do not let the word of God in your mouth be ‘chained.’ The reason is that all satan wants when he chains you is for your tongue to be chained so that it may cease to declare God’s word; don’t let him. He wants you discouraged and silent, but you must Keep speaking the word of God over your life and situation. David said in Psalm 32:3, “When I kept silent, my bones grew old through my groaning all the day long.” Don’t be silent; declare the word of God to yourself prophetically, in faith, and by preaching to others. David saw that keeping quiet when things go amiss may make them go further amiss.
We often fall victim to satan’s objective for chaining us: become bitter, get angry, stop reading our bible, pray, or attend Christian gatherings. Satan knows that your miracle is in the word of God in your mouth, so when he sends the chains, there is something that you don’t presently see that he wants to stop. Your deliverance is in your mouth. So, ‘unchain’ the word, and send it forth as missiles. Let God’s praise continually be in your mouth, declare scriptures over your life and circumstance, and refuse your heart to be chained by bitterness, regret, or grumbling. A closed mouth is a closed destiny. The only reason Jesus could be taken, assaulted, and crucified by satan was that He opened not His mouth deliberately.
Paul birthed a disciple in his chains, Onesimus. His name means ‘profitable’ or ‘useful.’ He was a young man that ministered to Paul in his chains and made it more bearable. You can profit from your chains, and something useful can come out of them. Something to eat can come out of the eater, but it will be because you open your mouth and unchain (unleash) the word of God.
Philemon 1:10-13, Colossians 4:3, Matthew 27:12-14, and Isaiah 53:7-8
I may be in chains, but I unchain the word of God right now. I declare over my life and circumstance that it gets better from here. Out of the eater will come something to eat, and what is presently working against me will yield something profitable to me. I speak life, health, peace, success, rest, favor, blessings, joy, and goodness over my life. God’s praise will continually be in my mouth. I refuse to be silent. The devil cannot stop, discourage, deceive or cheat me. I AM COMING OUT BETTER THAN WHEN I GOT IN: in Jesus’ name.
May I look beyond physical chains of mine and others, so that unchained words will work to my advantage 🙏. It gets better from here.
The word of God is my weapon! 💥 💥💥
I unchain my tongue and unleash the word of God! I’m coming out better than when I got in, in Jesus’ name.
Amen 🙏🏼
I will not be silent, I cannot be silenced – God’s word and praise continue in my mouth, no matter what💪
I will sing
I will praise
Even in my darkest hour
Through the sorrow and the pain
I will sing.