Then He said to her, ‘For this saying go your way; the demon has gone out of your daughter.’ – Mark 7:29
Mark 7:24-30
What was so spectacular about what this Gentile woman said that prompted a positive response from Jesus, after He had publicly called her a dog?
To find out, let’s examine her words:
“…Yes, Lord, yet even the little dogs under the table eat from the children’s crumbs.” (Mark 7:28).
Firstly, her words showed that she understood God’s love and care for ALL – both the children (Jews) and the dogs (Gentiles). So she wasn’t afraid to go to Him because there is no fear in love (1 John 4:18). Secondly, it reveals her unique understanding of the power of God – that even if it comes in crumbs, it can dislodge the greatest mountain. Thus Showing she had great faith in God’s powe; which must have greatly pleased Him because without faith He cannot be pleased (Hebrews 11:6).
Finally, she knew that God’s supply is in abundance, enough to fall from the table; that God does not only take care of our needs, but also our wants because He is a ‘more than enough God.’ – She trusted in His riches and ability to supply (Psalm 34:10).
Generally, the passage talks about ‘bread’ which represents the Word of God, clearly showing that just one word from God, a verse of scripture or a line in the bible, is potent enough to deliver one from satan’s power.
What are you saying today? TAKE A CUE FROM THIS WOMAN!
May your mouth be filled with TESTIMONIES this Tuesday!
Matthew 12:35-37, John 6:32-35 and Ecclesiastes 10:12.
Prayerfully speak words of faith based on the Word of God, that will bring you deliverance wherever you need deliverance today.