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“You pushed me violently, that I might fall, but the Lord helped me.” ~ Psalm...


But Naaman became furious, and went away and said, “Indeed, I said to myself, ‘He...


  1. Emeka Fred -Hilary Kanebi

    In the Waters and in the Fire … He is right there with me.

    Moving forward.

    #neveralone #keepmoving #Emmanuel

  2. Keziah Gankon

    Lord Jesus Christ,I am blessed. I am moving forward. For my blessings comes from you. My riches is in your hands ,preserve me Lord and make me rich.. thank you Lord

  3. Ashi Dooshima

    Its really heartbreaking to lost a loved one.
    I personally it took me over ten years to come to terms that my mum was no more. I hated God, hated my family, and i really broke their heart too😂. I was just afraid if i love them they can be no more tomorrow as well. So i was just a nice person but you see the scripture that says guard your heart with all deligence…that was my anchor scripture.

    This God is sooooo awesome.
    The healing process began with Him. I fell in love so much with God and told Him since He cannot die, i will never be heartbroken….so i sold out my self to Him, we’ll communicate, laugh, joke, infact on my matric day i was just giving Him different posing. Its been happily ever after.

    Then family, i attempted suicide twice after i lost my mum. I couldn’t imagine living in this world with out her. My father loves me like you don’t want to know, but i always feel he would’ve treated my mum better, i was just angry at him for a long time. Then my siblings, i am the pet of the family. Its been like that from day one so i do any how😂 😂 😂. They just tried there best to make me happy. They really tried. Then i began to love my brother….i can’t explain the love i have for my brother. I don’t think the love i have for my brother can be explained nor compared to the way i use to think i love my mum😂😂😂😂he has broken my heart alot of times with the things he does but i keep loving him the more. Infact i pray for my brother more than i do for myself. My family is now the best thing to me. My dad calls me almost every day. The only man who calls me…my ANGEL 😍 😘 💕.

    Relationship. OK so after i lost my mum i was still a baby ya. Like 12. But i grew. Had guys toasting. But i was just on a mission to give them a feeling of what it feels to be heart broken. I broke hearts😭😭😭😭 it was just the best way for me to revenge. No guy has ever broken up with me. I usually will leave the relationship 3months before he will get to know. I can still be nice but I’ve left you. With further i do 😂😂😂i think the husband man to be should complete the story himself soon😂😂😂.
    God will always be God. Trust me the healing process wasn’t easy but God did it. Ilcc played a huge role in the healin process. At times pastor will preach then, I’ll go back and apply it small….😂😂😂 then I’ll notice that it worked. I kept on applying it small small, and i can BOLDLY tell you that it worked, and is still working.
    Brothers and Sisters in any way you are hurting just invite God in as we heard yesterday in church, He will come and fix everything like He did for me. The song writer says….weeping may Endure for the night But JOY comes in the morning. I SAY TO YOU THAT YOUR JOY HAS COME, AND IT HAS COME TO STAY! Shalom!

  4. Helen

    God wants me to become something in life and I’m moving towards that, no more stagnation in Jesus’ name! Amen.

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